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 National Committee Voting


Ranked Choice Vote Details

Ranked Choice Vote ID1025
Ranked Choice VoteElection of the 2020 Election Tabulation Committee
TypeOpen Ballot
Number of Seats5
Ranked Choice Vote AdministratorTrahern Crews
Discussion07/06/2020 - 07/19/2020
Voting07/20/2020 - 07/26/2020
Presens Quorum34 0.6666
Candidates Holly Hart
Kristin Combs
Ahmed Eltouny


The Election Tabulation Committee will consist of five members of the GNC and will be elected by the NC using the current system of Single Transferable Voting employed by the Green Party website: Multi-Seat Ranked-Choice Voting

Candidate Information

Holly Hart
I have served on several past ETC's and am familiar with the tasks required.  It is important to have someone with this experience background as a member
or advisor. In the past when paper ballots were sued, the ETC conducted a manual count to determine the results of the SC election.  Since the election
has moved to an electronic ballot, the work now involves a review to ensure the ballots reported match what is reported on the voting page; and a subsequent
report on any findings or recommendations.  I have conducted elections for two committees using the software once offered through the voting page (sadly,
no longer available), and can do a manual tabulation, if needed.  As a past party secretary, I'm familiar with the method used and the voting page itself. 

Holly Hart
Delegate, Iowa

Kristin Combs
I have been a member of the Green Party since 2013, and have served in leadership at the local, state, and national level. In my day job, I works for the
School District of Philadelphia as the Executive Director of School Organization. Basically, I play with spreadsheets all day. My degree is in Physics
with a focus on Computational Physics. I'm a math and data geek and am happy to use those talents to serve the party on the ETC.

Kristin Combs
Delegate Pennsylvania

Ahmed Eltouny
New Jersey

Questions about this system?
Contact the Voting Admin.
The Green Party of the United States voting system is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
You can download a copy here.
To independently verify a ranked choice vote, or for information about how that works, go to Jonathan Lundell's Voting Page and upload the ballot file from the ranked choice vote result page. JL's ranked choice module is licensed under an alternate free software license.
Green Party of the United States