Delegation |
Status |
Name |
Votes |
Alabama | Delegate | Ani Mozelle Baraka Dela Croix | 52 |
Alabama | Delegate | Joy Johnson | 34 |
Alabama | Alternate | Amy Fahimi | 6 |
Alabama | Retired Delegate | Rob Collins | 107 |
Alabama | Retired Delegate | Tyler Henderson | 21 |
Alabama | Retired Delegate | Gene Hunter | 359 |
Alabama | Retired Delegate | Ryan Krone | 6 |
Alabama | Retired Delegate | Rebecca Saxon | 6 |
Alabama | Retired Alternate | Henry Duke | 1 |
Alabama | Retired Alternate | Joy Johnson | 3 |
Alabama | Retired Alternate | Ryan Krone | 9 |
Alaska | Retired Delegate | Russell deForest | 2 |
Alaska | Retired Delegate | Aadam Hammond | 6 |
Alaska | Retired Delegate | Deirdre Helfferich | 66 |
Alaska | Retired Delegate | Tom Macchia | 1 |
Alaska | Retired Delegate | Andy Scorezelli | 3 |
Alaska | Retired Delegate | Robert Shields | 17 |
Alaska | Retired Alternate | Dan Darrow | 5 |
Arizona | Delegate | Mike Cease | 60 |
Arizona | Alternate | Alice Hamers | 2 |
Arizona | Retired Delegate | Amee Beck-Jones | 13 |
Arizona | Retired Delegate | Vincent Beck-Jones | 43 |
Arizona | Retired Delegate | Celeste Castorena | 17 |
Arizona | Retired Delegate | Claudia Ellquist | 263 |
Arizona | Retired Delegate | Casey Espinoza | 5 |
Arizona | Retired Delegate | Leenie Halbert | 64 |
Arizona | Retired Delegate | Stan Hemry | 94 |
Arizona | Retired Delegate | Haryaksha Knauer | 5 |
Arizona | Retired Delegate | Tim Mavrides | 149 |
Arizona | Retired Delegate | Richard Scott | 129 |
Arizona | Retired Delegate | Andrew Spencer | 135 |
Arizona | Retired Delegate | Angel Torres | 264 |
Arizona | Retired Delegate | Liana West | 40 |
Arizona | Retired Delegate | Natalie Woods | 6 |
Arizona | Retired Alternate | Erik Andersen | 18 |
Arizona | Retired Alternate | Marcus Bellamy | 3 |
Arizona | Retired Alternate | Maritza Broce | 5 |
Arizona | Retired Alternate | Celeste Castorena | 3 |
Arizona | Retired Alternate | Leenie Halbert | 6 |
Arizona | Retired Alternate | Sam Hales | 20 |
Arizona | Retired Alternate | Cody Hannah | 3 |
Arizona | Retired Alternate | Haryaksha Knauer | 29 |
Arizona | Retired Alternate | Odessa Mavrides | 98 |
Arizona | Retired Alternate | Robert Neal | 5 |
Arizona | Retired Alternate | Mark Salazar | 2 |
Arizona | Retired Alternate | Cole Shores | 5 |
Arizona | Retired Alternate | Angel Torres | 55 |
Arkansas | Retired Delegate | Ryan Giglio | 110 |
Arkansas | Retired Delegate | Ginny Hartnett | 4 |
Arkansas | Retired Delegate | Mark Jenkins | 234 |
Arkansas | Retired Delegate | Rebekah Kennedy | 14 |
Arkansas | Retired Delegate | Georgia Lance | 28 |
Arkansas | Retired Delegate | Jim Lendall | 305 |
Arkansas | Retired Delegate | Ace Norman | 3 |
Arkansas | Retired Delegate | Robin Rumph | 124 |
Arkansas | Retired Delegate | Mark Swaney | 63 |
Arkansas | Retired Delegate | Andrew Waldron | 1 |
Arkansas | Retired Delegate | Barbara Ward | 113 |
Arkansas | Retired Delegate | Donna Werley | 117 |
Arkansas | Retired Delegate | Anita Wessling | 154 |
Arkansas | Retired Alternate | Conrad Harvin | 3 |
Arkansas | Retired Alternate | Mark Jenkins | 25 |
Arkansas | Retired Alternate | Rebekah Kennedy | 2 |
Arkansas | Retired Alternate | Benjamin Pearson | 2 |
Arkansas | Retired Alternate | Marilyn Rumph | 13 |
Arkansas | Retired Alternate | Mark Swaney | 21 |
Arkansas | Retired Alternate | Donna Werley | 6 |
Black Caucus | Retired Delegate | Trahern Crews | 52 |
Black Caucus | Retired Delegate | Joy Davis | 55 |
Black Caucus | Retired Delegate | Theresa El Amin | 60 |
Black Caucus | Retired Delegate | Kamilah Harris | 48 |
Black Caucus | Retired Delegate | Aidan Hill | 3 |
Black Caucus | Retired Delegate | Monica James | 66 |
Black Caucus | Retired Delegate | Angela Knox | 2 |
Black Caucus | Retired Delegate | James Lane | 114 |
Black Caucus | Retired Delegate | Thomas Muhammad | 204 |
Black Caucus | Retired Delegate | Rick Tingling-Clemmons | 88 |
Black Caucus | Retired Alternate | Joy Davis | 20 |
Black Caucus | Retired Alternate | Michael Smith | 28 |
California | Delegate | Josefina Aranda | 277 |
California | Delegate | Gary Blenner | 18 |
California | Delegate | Mike Cordova | 12 |
California | Delegate | Sean Dougherty | 7 |
California | Delegate | Ann Garrison | 3 |
California | Delegate | Richard Gomez | 383 |
California | Delegate | Rick Greenblatt | 232 |
California | Delegate | David Grover | 16 |
California | Delegate | Greg Jan | 190 |
California | Delegate | Orlando Johnson | 31 |
California | Delegate | Tarik Kanaana | 285 |
California | Delegate | Peggy Koteen | 472 |
California | Delegate | Jared Laiti | 176 |
California | Delegate | Susan Lamont | 23 |
California | Delegate | Don Manro | 77 |
California | Delegate | James McFadden | 8 |
California | Delegate | Nadia Nouri | 27 |
California | Delegate | Justin Richardson | 61 |
California | Delegate | Rohan Sabnis | 241 |
California | Delegate | Cynthia Santiago | 205 |
California | Delegate | Phoebe Thomas Sorgen | 193 |
California | Alternate | Jon Mann | 8 |
California | Alternate | Donna Pulling | 3 |
California | Alternate | Pamela Spevack | 16 |
California | Alternate | Lindsay Vurek | 10 |
California | Retired Delegate | Sara Amir | 102 |
California | Retired Delegate | Doug Barnett | 83 |
California | Retired Delegate | Stuart Bechman | 83 |
California | Retired Delegate | Marla Bernstein | 193 |
California | Retired Delegate | David Blatte | 22 |
California | Retired Delegate | Warner Bloomberg | 221 |
California | Retired Delegate | Tom Bolema | 59 |
California | Retired Delegate | David Bond | 18 |
California | Retired Delegate | Leslie Bonett | 169 |
California | Retired Delegate | June Brashares | 271 |
California | Retired Delegate | Steve Breedlove | 12 |
California | Retired Delegate | Alex Brideau III | 21 |
California | Retired Delegate | Diana C. Brown | 26 |
California | Retired Delegate | Peter Camejo | 50 |
California | Retired Delegate | Ginny-Marie Case | 44 |
California | Retired Delegate | Tim Casebolt | 73 |
California | Retired Delegate | Jose Trinidad Castaneda | 6 |
California | Retired Delegate | Richard Chacker | 297 |
California | Retired Delegate | Jo Chamberlain | 72 |
California | Retired Delegate | Susan Chunco | 551 |
California | Retired Delegate | David Cobb | 102 |
California | Retired Delegate | David Curtis | 31 |
California | Retired Delegate | Budd Dickinson | 141 |
California | Retired Delegate | Marilyn Ditmanson | 44 |
California | Retired Delegate | Conor Dixon | 34 |
California | Retired Delegate | Jim Dorenkott | 6 |
California | Retired Delegate | Henry Duke | 4 |
California | Retired Delegate | Sue Roberts Emery | 32 |
California | Retired Delegate | Sanda Everette | 588 |
California | Retired Delegate | Mike Feinstein | 544 |
California | Retired Delegate | Meleiza Figueroa | 28 |
California | Retired Delegate | Ross Frankel | 100 |
California | Retired Delegate | Joe Fulgaro | 2 |
California | Retired Delegate | Sadie Fulton | 49 |
California | Retired Delegate | David Gesinger | 7 |
California | Retired Delegate | Marnie Glickman | 167 |
California | Retired Delegate | Rebecca Gonzalez-Tobias | 10 |
California | Retired Delegate | Lisa Green | 129 |
California | Retired Delegate | Woody Hastings | 216 |
California | Retired Delegate | Barry Hermanson | 8 |
California | Retired Delegate | Eugene Hernandez | 39 |
California | Retired Delegate | Forrest Hill | 92 |
California | Retired Delegate | Fred Hosea | 64 |
California | Retired Delegate | Lisa Hsu | 294 |
California | Retired Delegate | Derek Iversen | 141 |
California | Retired Delegate | Drew Johnson | 57 |
California | Retired Delegate | Josh Jones | 20 |
California | Retired Delegate | Sasha Karlik | 23 |
California | Retired Delegate | Perrine Kelly | 47 |
California | Retired Delegate | Wendy Kenin | 126 |
California | Retired Delegate | Noura Khouri | 22 |
California | Retired Delegate | Susan King | 82 |
California | Retired Delegate | Peggy Lewis | 117 |
California | Retired Delegate | Jack Lindblad | 40 |
California | Retired Delegate | Steve Loebs | 42 |
California | Retired Delegate | Bernie MacDonald | 115 |
California | Retired Delegate | Bob Marsh | 161 |
California | Retired Delegate | Kevin McKeown | 70 |
California | Retired Delegate | Kenneth Mejia | 20 |
California | Retired Delegate | Yuiana Miranda Mendoza | 6 |
California | Retired Delegate | Kent Mesplay | 320 |
California | Retired Delegate | Bill Meyers | 162 |
California | Retired Delegate | Bill Meyers | 30 |
California | Retired Delegate | Ross Mirkarimi | 11 |
California | Retired Delegate | Beth Moore Haines | 9 |
California | Retired Delegate | John Morton | 15 |
California | Retired Delegate | Sedinam Kinamo C. Moyowasifza-Curry | 19 |
California | Retired Delegate | Nassim Nouri | 44 |
California | Retired Delegate | Orval Osborne | 52 |
California | Retired Delegate | Linda Piera-Avila | 351 |
California | Retired Delegate | Nanette Pratini | 99 |
California | Retired Delegate | Starlene Rankin | 15 |
California | Retired Delegate | Luci Riley | 19 |
California | Retired Delegate | Denise Robb | 5 |
California | Retired Delegate | Michael Rochmes | 13 |
California | Retired Delegate | Gary Ruskin | 139 |
California | Retired Delegate | Erik Rydberg | 49 |
California | Retired Delegate | Dana Silvernale | 338 |
California | Retired Delegate | Dana St. George | 94 |
California | Retired Delegate | John Strawn | 3 |
California | Retired Delegate | Akio Tanaka | 74 |
California | Retired Delegate | Kate Tanaka | 63 |
California | Retired Delegate | Lisa Taylor | 80 |
California | Retired Delegate | Tor Thorsen | 179 |
California | Retired Delegate | Terrance Tovar | 27 |
California | Retired Delegate | Jesse Townley | 202 |
California | Retired Delegate | Cres Vellucci | 56 |
California | Retired Delegate | Donna Warren | 94 |
California | Retired Delegate | Laura Wells | 4 |
California | Retired Delegate | Harrison Wills | 1 |
California | Retired Delegate | Carol Wolman | 13 |
California | Retired Delegate | Cat Woods | 78 |
California | Retired Delegate | Marybeth Wuerthner | 34 |
California | Retired Delegate | Michael Wyman | 109 |
California | Retired Delegate | Martin Zehr | 62 |
California | Retired Delegate | Violet Rose Zitola | 67 |
California | Retired Alternate | Josefina Aranda | 181 |
California | Retired Alternate | Jan Arnold | 343 |
California | Retired Alternate | Doug Barnett | 61 |
California | Retired Alternate | Rodolfo Cortes Barragan | 7 |
California | Retired Alternate | Marla Bernstein | 60 |
California | Retired Alternate | Leslie Bonett | 68 |
California | Retired Alternate | Carol Brouillet | 2 |
California | Retired Alternate | Diana C. Brown | 29 |
California | Retired Alternate | Tim Casebolt | 126 |
California | Retired Alternate | Mike Chamness | 69 |
California | Retired Alternate | Hank Chapot | 29 |
California | Retired Alternate | Darryl Cherney | 12 |
California | Retired Alternate | Lucy Colvin | 66 |
California | Retired Alternate | Mike Cordova | 4 |
California | Retired Alternate | Elizabeth Davies | 13 |
California | Retired Alternate | Budd Dickinson | 26 |
California | Retired Alternate | Ron Dicks | 13 |
California | Retired Alternate | Conor Dixon | 15 |
California | Retired Alternate | Angelica Duenas | 10 |
California | Retired Alternate | Henry Duke | 1 |
California | Retired Alternate | Sanda Everette | 17 |
California | Retired Alternate | Chuck Giese | 5 |
California | Retired Alternate | Richard Gomez | 92 |
California | Retired Alternate | Judith Grant | 66 |
California | Retired Alternate | Lisa Green | 10 |
California | Retired Alternate | Nicole Haldeman | 18 |
California | Retired Alternate | Forrest Hill | 12 |
California | Retired Alternate | Torger Johnson | 5 |
California | Retired Alternate | Liz Kroboth | 1 |
California | Retired Alternate | Anthony Krzywicki | 1 |
California | Retired Alternate | Tim Laidman | 7 |
California | Retired Alternate | Susan Lamont | 85 |
California | Retired Alternate | Sheila Laracy | 1 |
California | Retired Alternate | Paul Larudee | 4 |
California | Retired Alternate | Devin Letzer | 5 |
California | Retired Alternate | Jack Lindblad | 42 |
California | Retired Alternate | Genevieve Marcus | 296 |
California | Retired Alternate | Michael McCue | 4 |
California | Retired Alternate | Ross Mirkarimi | 10 |
California | Retired Alternate | Jesse Moorman | 11 |
California | Retired Alternate | Tim Morgan | 64 |
California | Retired Alternate | Mimi Newton | 7 |
California | Retired Alternate | Nassim Nouri | 27 |
California | Retired Alternate | Karen Nyhus | 7 |
California | Retired Alternate | Meave O'Connor | 4 |
California | Retired Alternate | Chuck O'Neil | 2 |
California | Retired Alternate | Magali Offerman | 18 |
California | Retired Alternate | Cordula Ohman | 62 |
California | Retired Alternate | Nanette Pratini | 17 |
California | Retired Alternate | Ajay Rai | 4 |
California | Retired Alternate | Aaron Reaven | 1 |
California | Retired Alternate | Justin Richardson | 43 |
California | Retired Alternate | Michael Rubin | 61 |
California | Retired Alternate | Cynthia Santiago | 153 |
California | Retired Alternate | John Philip Santos | 24 |
California | Retired Alternate | John Schmit | 10 |
California | Retired Alternate | Adam Siegel | 4 |
California | Retired Alternate | David Silva | 5 |
California | Retired Alternate | Pamela Spevack | 16 |
California | Retired Alternate | Dana St. George | 2 |
California | Retired Alternate | Tor Thorsen | 14 |
California | Retired Alternate | Bea Tiritilli | 3 |
California | Retired Alternate | Heather Walker | 2 |
California | Retired Alternate | Jim Weill | 1 |
California | Retired Alternate | Kim White | 1 |
California | Retired Alternate | Marybeth Wuerthner | 36 |
California | Retired Alternate | Karinna Zarate | 4 |
California | Retired Alternate | Violet Rose Zitola | 10 |
Colorado | Delegate | Desmond Wallington | 79 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Dave Chandler | 95 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Lawrence Dunn | 1 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Victor Forsythe | 168 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Sierra Garcia | 23 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Charlie Green | 120 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Susan Hall | 8 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Andy Hamilton | 13 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Harry O. Hempy | 4 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Tanya Ishikawa | 47 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Ryan Jones | 48 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Tom Kelly | 71 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Robert Kinsey | 106 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Sandy Lemberg | 41 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Karyna Lemus | 12 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Bill McCormick | 39 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Andrea Merida | 193 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Bruce Meyer | 88 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Stephen Molyneux | 29 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Romney Philpott | 40 |
Colorado | Retired Delegate | Claire Ryder | 72 |
Colorado | Retired Alternate | Vronique Bellamy | 1 |
Colorado | Retired Alternate | Charlie Green | 42 |
Colorado | Retired Alternate | Desmond Wallington | 11 |
Connecticut | Delegate | Keith Foster | 79 |
Connecticut | Delegate | Timothy L. McKee | 479 |
Connecticut | Delegate | Justin Paglino | 33 |
Connecticut | Delegate | Jennifer Peck | 33 |
Connecticut | Retired Delegate | Owen Charles | 113 |
Connecticut | Retired Delegate | S. Michael DeRosa | 379 |
Connecticut | Retired Delegate | Richard Z. Duffee | 4 |
Connecticut | Retired Delegate | Joshua Kelly | 100 |
Connecticut | Retired Delegate | Mary Lawrence | 6 |
Connecticut | Retired Delegate | Charlie Pillsbury | 252 |
Connecticut | Retired Delegate | Jeff Russell | 71 |
Connecticut | Retired Delegate | Cora Santaguida | 13 |
Connecticut | Retired Delegate | Tom Sevigny | 113 |
Connecticut | Retired Delegate | Penny Teal | 4 |
Connecticut | Retired Delegate | Linda Thompson | 11 |
Connecticut | Retired Delegate | Cliff Thornton | 11 |
Connecticut | Retired Delegate | Baird Welch-Collins | 38 |
Connecticut | Retired Alternate | Timothy L. McKee | 55 |
Delaware | Delegate | Tom Buchanan | 130 |
Delaware | Delegate | David McCorquodale | 913 |
Delaware | Retired Delegate | John Atkeison | 42 |
Delaware | Retired Delegate | Bernie August | 88 |
Delaware | Retired Delegate | Denise Brush | 21 |
Delaware | Retired Delegate | J. Roy Cannon | 12 |
Delaware | Retired Delegate | Roger Horowitz | 69 |
Delaware | Retired Delegate | Erika Ladson | 8 |
Delaware | Retired Delegate | Mark Perri | 53 |
Delaware | Retired Delegate | RuthAnn Purchase James | 14 |
Delaware | Retired Delegate | Estelle Taralle Sottile | 2 |
Delaware | Retired Delegate | Jim Witters | 43 |
District of Columbia | Delegate | Darryl Moch | 330 |
District of Columbia | Alternate | Jenefer Ellingston | 31 |
District of Columbia | Retired Delegate | G. Lee Aikin | 2 |
District of Columbia | Retired Delegate | David Bosserman | 121 |
District of Columbia | Retired Delegate | Mike Byrne | 16 |
District of Columbia | Retired Delegate | Marian Douglas-Ungaro | 34 |
District of Columbia | Retired Delegate | Jenefer Ellingston | 367 |
District of Columbia | Retired Delegate | John Ely | 3 |
District of Columbia | Retired Delegate | Jay Marx | 18 |
District of Columbia | Retired Delegate | Justin McCarthy | 25 |
District of Columbia | Retired Delegate | Dean Myerson | 31 |
District of Columbia | Retired Delegate | Maya O'Connor | 46 |
District of Columbia | Retired Delegate | Michael Piacsek | 50 |
District of Columbia | Retired Delegate | Nikolas Schiller | 42 |
District of Columbia | Retired Delegate | Steven Shafarman | 3 |
District of Columbia | Retired Delegate | Michele Tingling-Clemmons | 66 |
District of Columbia | Retired Delegate | Toussaint Tingling-Clemmons | 7 |
District of Columbia | Retired Delegate | Ann Wilcox | 127 |
District of Columbia | Retired Alternate | David Bosserman | 132 |
District of Columbia | Retired Alternate | Maya O'Connor | 2 |
Florida | Delegate | Henry Lawrence III | 436 |
Florida | Delegate | Laura Potts | 22 |
Florida | Delegate | Jennifer Sullivan | 328 |
Florida | Delegate | Randy Toler | 18 |
Florida | Alternate | Joel Fears | 2 |
Florida | Alternate | Steve Newman | 7 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Julia Aires | 161 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Victor Agosto Brizuela | 68 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Cara L. Campbell | 61 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Michael Canney | 271 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Diane Cardin-Kamleiter | 84 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Shawna Doran | 224 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Kat Duer | 1 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Joel Fears | 53 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Cathy Gilbert | 9 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Rogelio Gonzalez | 40 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Maggie Gouldin | 90 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Shauna Haley | 4 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Robin Harris | 24 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Gary Hecker | 112 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Daniel Hicks | 24 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Rich Hillwig | 7 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Jim Howe | 29 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | James Jones | 40 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Alan Kobrin | 13 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | LeBeau Kpadenou | 1 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Anthony Lorenzo | 3 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Elijah Manley | 57 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Nick Osterman | 11 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Joshua Pritchett | 74 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Rose Roby | 14 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Barbara Rodgers-Hendricks | 134 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Sarah echo Steiner | 171 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Anita Stewart | 52 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Elizabeth Taveras | 3 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Suzanne Touchton | 4 |
Florida | Retired Delegate | Milo Vannuci | 17 |
Florida | Retired Alternate | Julia Aires | 2 |
Florida | Retired Alternate | Michael Canney | 1 |
Florida | Retired Alternate | Matthew Crowley | 2 |
Florida | Retired Alternate | Rogelio Gonzalez | 1 |
Florida | Retired Alternate | Elijah Manley | 12 |
Florida | Retired Alternate | Mark Patterson | 11 |
Florida | Retired Alternate | Rose Roby | 16 |
Georgia | Retired Delegate | Velmon Allen | 10 |
Georgia | Retired Delegate | Jimmy Cooper | 24 |
Georgia | Retired Delegate | Bruce Dixon | 30 |
Georgia | Retired Delegate | Hugh Esco | 118 |
Georgia | Retired Delegate | Regina Etheridge | 1 |
Georgia | Retired Delegate | Nannette Garrett | 125 |
Georgia | Retired Delegate | Al Herman | 88 |
Georgia | Retired Delegate | Frank Jeffers | 32 |
Georgia | Retired Delegate | Badili Jones | 3 |
Georgia | Retired Delegate | Kevin Nashbar | 4 |
Georgia | Retired Delegate | Adam Shapiro | 51 |
Georgia | Retired Delegate | Qadija Tatum-Aamir | 18 |
Georgia | Retired Delegate | Denice Traina | 155 |
Georgia | Retired Delegate | Denice Traina | 13 |
Georgia | Retired Alternate | Bruce Dixon | 1 |
Georgia | Retired Alternate | Hugh Esco | 9 |
Georgia | Retired Alternate | John Fortuin | 20 |
Georgia | Retired Alternate | Nannette Garrett | 28 |
Georgia | Retired Alternate | Byron Merritt | 34 |
Georgia | Retired Alternate | Joshua Pritchett | 1 |
Georgia | Retired Alternate | Harry Rezzemini | 6 |
Georgia | Retired Alternate | Qadija Tatum-Aamir | 2 |
Georgia | Retired Alternate | Preston Thacker | 6 |
Georgia | Retired Alternate | Denice Traina | 2 |
Hawaii | Delegate | Dave Mulinix | 1 |
Hawaii | Delegate | N. Nikhilananda | 556 |
Hawaii | Alternate | Sue Roberts Emery | 18 |
Hawaii | Retired Delegate | Budd Dickinson | 108 |
Hawaii | Retired Delegate | Ben Emery | 4 |
Hawaii | Retired Delegate | Sue Roberts Emery | 102 |
Hawaii | Retired Delegate | Elisabeth Green | 80 |
Hawaii | Retired Delegate | Judie Hilke-Lundborg | 25 |
Hawaii | Retired Delegate | Julie Jacobson | 437 |
Hawaii | Retired Delegate | Justin Jansen | 3 |
Hawaii | Retired Delegate | Claire Mortimer | 192 |
Hawaii | Retired Delegate | Jeff Turner | 84 |
Hawaii | Retired Alternate | Justin Jansen | 3 |
Hawaii | Retired Alternate | Tor Thorsen | 37 |
Hawaii | Retired Alternate | Jeff Turner | 1 |
Idaho | Retired Delegate | Heron Baker | 4 |
Idaho | Retired Delegate | Matt Denney | 84 |
Idaho | Retired Delegate | Robert McMinn | 163 |
Illinois | Delegate | Jack Ailey | 661 |
Illinois | Delegate | David Black | 368 |
Illinois | Delegate | Chris Blankenhorn | 187 |
Illinois | Delegate | Richard Giovanoni | 140 |
Illinois | Delegate | Joshua Hellman | 58 |
Illinois | Delegate | Gini Lester | 354 |
Illinois | Delegate | Jim Madigan | 48 |
Illinois | Delegate | Anna Schiefelbein | 91 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Tom Abram | 44 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Paloma Andrade | 85 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Alberto Bocanegra | 135 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Paula Bradshaw | 7 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Craig Brozefsky | 33 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Rob Burns | 102 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Fina Campbell | 136 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Terry Campbell | 59 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Rob Casey | 4 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Brady Childs | 22 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Geoffrey Cubbage | 14 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Michael Drennan | 38 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | David Enstrom | 9 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Andy Finko | 63 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Aaron Goldberg | 12 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Michael Harrington | 4 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Sarah Heyer | 49 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Charlie Howe | 21 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Phil Huckelberry | 466 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Michael Jaggard | 55 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Keith Klingeman | 3 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Bill Kreml | 230 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Marc Loveless | 1 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Elizabeth Moran | 31 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Bob Mueller | 107 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Kevin O'Connor | 84 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Mary Jane Oviatt | 15 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | AJ Reed | 73 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Rebecca Reynolds | 31 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Samantha Rocknowski | 60 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Susan Rodgers | 113 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Dave Sacks | 17 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Marc Sanson | 258 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Laurel Schmidt | 142 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Holly Scholz | 21 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | AJ Segneri | 121 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Rob Sherman | 3 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Michael Smith | 147 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Alicia Snyder | 82 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Ryan Taylor | 2 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Tom Tresser | 16 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Jennifer Walling | 65 |
Illinois | Retired Delegate | Erin Wittlich | 19 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Tom Abram | 7 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Jack Ailey | 20 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | David Black | 148 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Chris Blankenhorn | 14 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Dale Bowen | 8 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Jessica Bradshaw | 2 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Paula Bradshaw | 10 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Blair Campbell | 1 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Geoffrey Cubbage | 16 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Richard Giovanoni | 29 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Charlie Howe | 6 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Phil Huckelberry | 15 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Dan Kairis | 59 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Patrick Kelly | 1 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Jim Madigan | 40 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Rita Maniotis | 289 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Matt Martinez | 3 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Vito Mastrangelo | 7 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Patrick Pasquini | 8 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Walter Pituc | 7 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Dave Sacks | 2 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Marc Sanson | 10 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Sheldon Schafer | 227 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | AJ Segneri | 31 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Scott Summers | 2 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Drew Valkanas | 7 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Wes Wagar | 1 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | Jennifer Walling | 8 |
Illinois | Retired Alternate | David Wilcox | 5 |
Indiana | Delegate | Sarah Dillon | 564 |
Indiana | Delegate | James Mahoney | 131 |
Indiana | Retired Delegate | Sean Bagley | 21 |
Indiana | Retired Delegate | Breanna Baker | 25 |
Indiana | Retired Delegate | William Bowens | 11 |
Indiana | Retired Delegate | Richard Cartwright | 13 |
Indiana | Retired Delegate | Jim Coplen | 106 |
Indiana | Retired Delegate | Monica James | 39 |
Indiana | Retired Delegate | Jay R.S. Parks | 142 |
Indiana | Retired Delegate | Jacob Peterson | 9 |
Indiana | Retired Delegate | Isabel Piedmont | 14 |
Indiana | Retired Delegate | Jeff Sutter | 513 |
Indiana | Retired Delegate | Amanda Thornburg | 11 |
Indiana | Retired Alternate | Sean Bagley | 11 |
Indiana | Retired Alternate | Jacob Bailey | 3 |
Iowa | Delegate | Holly Hart | 512 |
Iowa | Alternate | Florence Boos | 212 |
Iowa | Retired Delegate | Joel Donofrio | 9 |
Iowa | Retired Delegate | Daryl Northrop | 73 |
Iowa | Retired Delegate | Erik Olson | 23 |
Iowa | Retired Delegate | Larry Orr | 194 |
Kansas | Delegate | Nick Blessing | 63 |
Kansas | Delegate | Teresa Wilke | 9 |
Kansas | Alternate | Kiel Corkran | 20 |
Kansas | Retired Delegate | Paul Krumm | 360 |
Kansas | Retired Delegate | Frank Smith | 52 |
Kansas | Retired Delegate | Isabella Ticer | 5 |
Kansas | Retired Alternate | Ed Emmer | 2 |
Kansas | Retired Alternate | Paul Krumm | 238 |
Kentucky | Delegate | Nathaniel Gregory | 88 |
Kentucky | Alternate | Benjamin Plume | 13 |
Kentucky | Alternate | David Templar | 1 |
Kentucky | Retired Delegate | Christopher Cariad | 33 |
Kentucky | Retired Delegate | Erin Doherty | 71 |
Kentucky | Retired Delegate | Michael Fogler | 40 |
Kentucky | Retired Delegate | Greg Howe | 1 |
Kentucky | Retired Delegate | James Owens | 57 |
Kentucky | Retired Delegate | Andi Wojciechowski | 40 |
Kentucky | Retired Delegate | Geoff Young | 26 |
Kentucky | Retired Alternate | Kris Smoot | 26 |
Latinx Caucus | Delegate | Delilah Barrios | 11 |
Latinx Caucus | Alternate | Manuel Pintado | 5 |
Latinx Caucus | Retired Delegate | Tony Affigne | 69 |
Latinx Caucus | Retired Delegate | Saulo Colon | 16 |
Latinx Caucus | Retired Delegate | Darlene Elias | 83 |
Latinx Caucus | Retired Delegate | Damian Gonzales | 5 |
Latinx Caucus | Retired Delegate | William Nogueras | 87 |
Latinx Caucus | Retired Alternate | Manuel Aranda Jr. | 7 |
Latinx Caucus | Retired Alternate | Saulo Colon | 4 |
Latinx Caucus | Retired Alternate | Darlene Elias | 25 |
Latinx Caucus | Retired Alternate | William Nogueras | 1 |
Lavender Caucus | Delegate | Shannel Pittman | 168 |
Lavender Caucus | Delegate | David Strand | 101 |
Lavender Caucus | Alternate | Haryaksha Knauer | 6 |
Lavender Caucus | Alternate | Violet Rose Zitola | 2 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Delegate | Mish Chavez | 2 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Delegate | Margaret Elisabeth | 78 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Delegate | Dario Hunter | 52 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Delegate | Drew Langdon | 50 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Delegate | Evan Lyne | 20 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Delegate | Amergin O' Kai | 22 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Delegate | Jay R.S. Parks | 66 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Delegate | Starlene Rankin | 187 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Delegate | David Strand | 195 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Delegate | Tor Thorsen | 11 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Delegate | Cathi Woodward | 15 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Alternate | Mish Chavez | 2 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Alternate | Brian Gay | 4 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Alternate | Dario Hunter | 13 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Alternate | Tracy Nectoux | 10 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Alternate | Jay R.S. Parks | 6 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Alternate | David Strand | 32 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Alternate | Tor Thorsen | 18 |
Lavender Caucus | Retired Alternate | Cathi Woodward | 1 |
Louisiana | Delegate | Naima Gayles | 27 |
Louisiana | Delegate | John Krause | 101 |
Louisiana | Retired Delegate | Eliot Barron | 3 |
Louisiana | Retired Delegate | Robert Caldwell | 40 |
Louisiana | Retired Delegate | Romi Elnagar | 7 |
Louisiana | Retired Delegate | Les Evenchick | 80 |
Louisiana | Retired Delegate | Joshua Fauver | 4 |
Louisiana | Retired Delegate | Jason Jones | 95 |
Louisiana | Retired Delegate | Debbie McManus | 100 |
Louisiana | Retired Delegate | Morgan Moss Jr | 165 |
Louisiana | Retired Delegate | Anika Ofori | 22 |
Louisiana | Retired Alternate | John Krause | 3 |
Louisiana | Retired Alternate | Chris Stella | 16 |
Maine | Delegate | Justin Beth | 92 |
Maine | Delegate | Dana Cole | 2 |
Maine | Delegate | Jacqui Deveneau | 712 |
Maine | Delegate | Andy Howard | 23 |
Maine | Delegate | Skip Howard | 16 |
Maine | Delegate | Jake Kulaw | 150 |
Maine | Delegate | Marcy Makinen | 7 |
Maine | Delegate | Lyn Maravell | 252 |
Maine | Delegate | Carolyn Tkach | 11 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | Alan Brown | 36 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | Rob Brown | 110 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | Morgen D'Arc | 587 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | Tracey Grant | 3 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | George Hamilton | 97 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | Jack Harrington | 69 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | Patricia Trish Jackson | 119 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | Pat La Marche | 26 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | Tom MacMillan | 1 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | Jane Meisenbach | 63 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | Asher Platts | 133 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | Laura Price | 42 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | Mike Ray | 73 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | John Rensenbrink | 565 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | Theresa Savage | 26 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | Julie Sawtelle | 57 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | Nathan Shea | 1 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | Anna Trevorrow | 150 |
Maine | Retired Delegate | Tony Zeli | 123 |
Maine | Retired Alternate | Justin Beth | 10 |
Maine | Retired Alternate | Heather E. Betsy Garrold | 23 |
Maine | Retired Alternate | Tracey Grant | 4 |
Maine | Retired Alternate | Lyn Maravell | 5 |
Maine | Retired Alternate | Theresa Savage | 4 |
Maine | Retired Alternate | Lester M. Timofeev | 9 |
Maryland | Delegate | Charlotte McBrearty | 82 |
Maryland | Delegate | Nancy Wallace | 43 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Patsy Allen | 2 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Brandy Baker | 21 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Laura Barnitz | 17 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Brian Bittner | 11 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Shanna Bittner-Borell | 34 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Renaud Brown | 56 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Chris Bush | 15 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Andy Ellis | 27 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Ash Esposito | 7 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Margaret Flowers | 61 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | George Gluck | 17 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Kenniss Henry | 4 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Karen Jennings | 155 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Steve Kramer | 125 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Bonnie Lane | 20 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Bia Riaz | 6 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Virginia Rodino | 19 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Mary Rooker | 124 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Linda Schade | 26 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Virginia Smith | 139 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | John Stith | 3 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Tim Willard | 410 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Bahram Zandi | 245 |
Maryland | Retired Delegate | Kevin Zeese | 4 |
Maryland | Retired Alternate | Devonie Doles | 7 |
Maryland | Retired Alternate | Leenie Halbert | 1 |
Maryland | Retired Alternate | Liv Romano | 2 |
Maryland | Retired Alternate | Justin Sindall | 8 |
Maryland | Retired Alternate | Nancy Wallace | 26 |
Maryland | Retired Alternate | Kevin Zeese | 16 |
Massachusetts | Delegate | Lois Gagnon | 32 |
Massachusetts | Delegate | Henry Rose | 27 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | John Andrews | 125 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | David 'Ebony' Allen Barkley | 33 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Owen Broadhurst | 72 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Patrick Burke | 30 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Annie Butler | 13 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Maureen Doyle | 132 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Isabel Espinal | 45 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Danny Factor | 36 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | David Gerry | 269 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Jamie Guerin | 10 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Joanna Herlihy | 112 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | David Keil | 28 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Shirley Kressel | 1 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Scott Laugenour | 91 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Bryce Lipscomb | 18 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | John Marshall | 55 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Jamie McLaughlin | 197 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Segute Meilus | 1 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Patricia O'Brien | 35 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Carole Oyler | 4 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Micheal Pascucci | 94 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Rudy Perkins | 23 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Carol Sotiropoulos | 75 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Jill Stein | 3 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Daphne T. Stevens | 41 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Dru Tarr | 8 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Sharron Tetrault | 7 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Linda Thompson | 5 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | John Walsh | 16 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Ruth Weizenbaum | 29 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Elie Yarden | 440 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Maggie Zhou | 44 |
Massachusetts | Retired Delegate | Betty Zisk | 11 |
Massachusetts | Retired Alternate | John Andrews | 3 |
Massachusetts | Retired Alternate | Bill Ashley | 3 |
Massachusetts | Retired Alternate | Vanessa Bliss | 2 |
Massachusetts | Retired Alternate | Owen Broadhurst | 4 |
Massachusetts | Retired Alternate | Isabel Espinal | 5 |
Massachusetts | Retired Alternate | Lois Gagnon | 19 |
Massachusetts | Retired Alternate | Jamie Guerin | 16 |
Massachusetts | Retired Alternate | Joanna Herlihy | 38 |
Massachusetts | Retired Alternate | Elizabeth Humphrey | 9 |
Massachusetts | Retired Alternate | Jennifer Mazer | 46 |
Massachusetts | Retired Alternate | James O'Keefe | 1 |
Massachusetts | Retired Alternate | Gil Obler | 8 |
Massachusetts | Retired Alternate | Juan Sanchez | 24 |
Massachusetts | Retired Alternate | Aimee L. Smith | 6 |
Massachusetts | Retired Alternate | Jill Stein | 8 |
Michigan | Delegate | Charlotte Aikens | 6 |
Michigan | Delegate | Jim Becklund | 84 |
Michigan | Delegate | Wissam Charafeddine | 2 |
Michigan | Delegate | Matt Crehan | 11 |
Michigan | Delegate | Rita Jacobs | 251 |
Michigan | Delegate | John Anthony La Pietra | 242 |
Michigan | Alternate | Tom Mair | 1 |
Michigan | Alternate | Louis Novak | 4 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Matthew Abel | 151 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | James Bronke | 4 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Douglas Campbell | 100 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Candace Caveny | 19 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Stuart Collis | 14 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Linda Cree | 383 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Dawn Cronen | 3 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Carolyn Dulai | 45 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Aimee Cree Dunn | 52 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Priscilla Dziubek | 5 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | John Early | 39 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Aurora Fox | 2 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Erin Fox | 50 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Derek Grigsby | 118 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Joseph Jordan | 1 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | LuAnne Kozma | 123 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Jennifer La Pietra | 143 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Robin Laurain | 17 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Tom Mair | 43 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Douglas Marsh | 37 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Daniel Martin-Mills | 2 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Jessica McCallie-Arquette | 13 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Jessica McCallie-Arquette | 9 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Linda Manning Myatt | 349 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Louis Novak | 571 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Marc Reichardt | 42 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Karen Shelley | 197 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Amanda Slepr | 3 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Aimee L. Smith | 30 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Patti Smith | 5 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | David Spitzley | 46 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Regina Stone-Grover | 23 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Jessicia Venture | 5 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Fred Vitale | 176 |
Michigan | Retired Delegate | Mike Zubas | 40 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | Veda Balla | 1 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | Jim Becklund | 13 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | Jim Becklund | 1 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | Douglas Campbell | 39 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | Matt Crehan | 4 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | Ligia Grandys | 3 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | Margaret Guttshall | 1 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | Rita Jacobs | 23 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | LuAnne Kozma | 3 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | Richard Kuszmar | 12 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | Robin Laurain | 31 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | Harley Mikkelson | 3 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | Rebekah Mikkelson | 7 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | Linda Najar | 1 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | Dray Perkins | 2 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | Rod Reamer | 34 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | Dominic Scott | 1 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | Amanda Slepr | 6 |
Michigan | Retired Alternate | Aimee L. Smith | 12 |
Minnesota | Delegate | Rachel Braaten | 45 |
Minnesota | Delegate | Chapoton Wil | 19 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Daniel Alvin | 9 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Reggie Birts | 66 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Dan Dittman | 1 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | David Dittmann | 7 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Jeanine Estime | 88 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Kaleb Joel Fischer | 3 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Farheen Hakeem | 196 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Jim Ivey | 57 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | A J Janssen | 33 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Lauren Kramer | 25 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Megan Kuhl-Stennes | 9 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Seth Kulh-Stennes | 37 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Sharon Lemay | 26 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Steve Linnerooth | 74 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Eric Makela | 96 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Dee Murphy | 45 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Eric Oines | 19 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Bill Oldfather | 132 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Kristen Olson | 84 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Josh Scheunemann | 67 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Andy Schuler | 49 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Jared Schwab | 20 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Luke Sharman | 1 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Heidi Sheen | 32 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | David Strand | 11 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Tor Thorsen | 93 |
Minnesota | Retired Delegate | Tony White | 27 |
Minnesota | Retired Alternate | Michael Cavlan | 21 |
Minnesota | Retired Alternate | Dan Dittman | 28 |
Minnesota | Retired Alternate | Farheen Hakeem | 8 |
Minnesota | Retired Alternate | Barb Huning | 26 |
Minnesota | Retired Alternate | A J Janssen | 2 |
Minnesota | Retired Alternate | Dee Murphy | 2 |
Minnesota | Retired Alternate | David Strand | 2 |
Minnesota | Retired Alternate | Tor Thorsen | 6 |
Minnesota | Retired Alternate | Ryan Tuenge | 3 |
Minnesota | Retired Alternate | Dori Ullman | 1 |
Mississippi | Delegate | Artis Burney | 5 |
Mississippi | Delegate | Jan Hillegas | 610 |
Mississippi | Retired Delegate | Victor Fleitas | 91 |
Mississippi | Retired Delegate | Nekita Gandy | 159 |
Mississippi | Retired Delegate | Cliff Sommers | 19 |
Mississippi | Retired Delegate | Gwendolyn Wages | 106 |
Mississippi | Retired Delegate | John Wages | 20 |
Missouri | Delegate | Chris Mann | 114 |
Missouri | Retired Delegate | Alison Baldree | 24 |
Missouri | Retired Delegate | Dee Berry | 372 |
Missouri | Retired Delegate | Terry Bunker | 1 |
Missouri | Retired Delegate | Ron Burch | 155 |
Missouri | Retired Delegate | Frank Lawrence | 26 |
Missouri | Retired Delegate | Lydia Lewis | 94 |
Missouri | Retired Delegate | Elston McCowan | 8 |
Missouri | Retired Delegate | Midge Potts | 150 |
Missouri | Retired Delegate | Carl Wingo | 1 |
Missouri | Retired Delegate | Shirley Yurkonis | 38 |
Missouri | Retired Alternate | Jo Crain | 1 |
Missouri | Retired Alternate | Ben Kjelshus | 23 |
Missouri | Retired Alternate | Kai McCoy | 15 |
Missouri | Retired Alternate | Max T. Nunn | 1 |
Montana | Delegate | Cheryl Wolfe | 83 |
Montana | Retired Delegate | Darrel Armstrong | 199 |
Montana | Retired Delegate | Tom Breck | 8 |
Montana | Retired Delegate | Chris Frazier | 32 |
Montana | Retired Delegate | Paul Stephens | 24 |
Montana | Retired Delegate | Maggie Winter-Sydnor | 5 |
Montana | Retired Alternate | Antonio Morsette | 6 |
Nebraska | Delegate | Charles Ostdiek | 647 |
Nebraska | Retired Delegate | Virginia Crisco | 72 |
Nebraska | Retired Delegate | Shane Fry | 15 |
Nebraska | Retired Delegate | Tom McCormick | 63 |
Nebraska | Retired Delegate | Charles Richardson | 1 |
Nebraska | Retired Delegate | Dante Salvatierra | 32 |
Nebraska | Retired Delegate | Naomi Soloman | 5 |
Nebraska | Retired Alternate | David Long | 2 |
Nevada | Delegate | Margery Hanson | 180 |
Nevada | Delegate | Robert Hanson | 147 |
Nevada | Retired Delegate | Craig Bergland | 57 |
Nevada | Retired Delegate | Paul Etxeberri | 157 |
Nevada | Retired Delegate | Steve Flack | 53 |
Nevada | Retired Delegate | Teresa Frene | 24 |
Nevada | Retired Delegate | Julia Hammett | 18 |
Nevada | Retired Delegate | Carrie Anne Harrington | 28 |
Nevada | Retired Delegate | Bill Huggins | 56 |
Nevada | Retired Delegate | John Juntunen | 1 |
Nevada | Retired Delegate | Paul Juntunen | 168 |
Nevada | Retired Delegate | Christina Lais | 17 |
Nevada | Retired Delegate | Kaylen Ramos-Williams | 4 |
Nevada | Retired Delegate | Thomas Rasmussen | 11 |
Nevada | Retired Alternate | Earl Ammerman | 1 |
New Jersey | Delegate | Kim Meudt | 170 |
New Jersey | Delegate | Dustin Young | 10 |
New Jersey | Alternate | Ahmed Eltouny | 1 |
New Jersey | Alternate | Diane Moxley | 14 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Elizabeth Arnone | 108 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Mason Bliss | 8 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Jim Brash | 50 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Craig Cayetano | 82 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Donovan Dinnall | 30 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Ahmed Eltouny | 28 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Lora Friedenthal | 88 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Mark Heacock | 16 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Jane Hunter | 103 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Beresford Jones | 11 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Nick Mellis | 39 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Roger Merle | 79 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Katy Meyer | 2 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Diane Moxley | 62 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Gary Novosielski | 196 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Justin Roig | 18 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Julie Saporito-Acuna | 19 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Mike Spector | 98 |
New Jersey | Retired Delegate | Steve Welzer | 235 |
New Jersey | Retired Alternate | Mason Bliss | 2 |
New Jersey | Retired Alternate | George DeCarlo | 7 |
New Jersey | Retired Alternate | Nick Mellis | 1 |
New Jersey | Retired Alternate | Kim Meudt | 20 |
New Jersey | Retired Alternate | Dustin Young | 16 |
New Mexico | Delegate | Michal Mudd | 44 |
New Mexico | Retired Delegate | Nancy Campbell | 26 |
New Mexico | Retired Delegate | Francine Cronshaw | 52 |
New Mexico | Retired Delegate | Rick Fabrick | 130 |
New Mexico | Retired Delegate | Jennifer Gorman | 14 |
New Mexico | Retired Delegate | Lisa Houston | 4 |
New Mexico | Retired Delegate | Tom Knoblauch | 99 |
New Mexico | Retired Delegate | Joe Lacayo | 12 |
New Mexico | Retired Delegate | Rick Lass | 21 |
New Mexico | Retired Delegate | Carol Miller | 15 |
New Mexico | Retired Delegate | Suzanne Otter | 14 |
New Mexico | Retired Delegate | Mato Ska | 63 |
New Mexico | Retired Delegate | Stephen Verchinski | 124 |
New Mexico | Retired Delegate | Robin Wakeland | 78 |
New Mexico | Retired Delegate | Em Ward | 24 |
New Mexico | Retired Delegate | Martin Zehr | 3 |
New Mexico | Retired Alternate | Pete Gleichman | 21 |
New Mexico | Retired Alternate | Robert Jones | 1 |
New Mexico | Retired Alternate | Rick Lass | 3 |
New Mexico | Retired Alternate | Jennifer Rhea | 5 |
New Mexico | Retired Alternate | Martin Zehr | 4 |
New York | Delegate | Steve Bloom | 102 |
New York | Delegate | Cassandra Lems | 123 |
New York | Delegate | Gloria Mattera | 258 |
New York | Delegate | Joseph Naham | 157 |
New York | Delegate | Sandy Przybylak | 185 |
New York | Alternate | Chris Edes | 56 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Deyva Arthur | 21 |
New York | Retired Delegate | John Baldwin | 72 |
New York | Retired Delegate | C.J. Chapman | 33 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Colia Clark | 2 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Adrienne Craig-Williams | 65 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Marco DaCosta | 38 |
New York | Retired Delegate | David Doonan | 42 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Mark Dunau | 1 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Alison Duncan | 63 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Mark Dunlea | 89 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Matt Funiciello | 37 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Steven Greenfield | 46 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Howie Hawkins | 419 |
New York | Retired Delegate | James Henderson | 1 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Margaret Human | 31 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Barbara Humphrey | 51 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Allan Hunter | 59 |
New York | Retired Delegate | John Keenan | 162 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Barbara Kidney | 58 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Sally Kim | 28 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Steven Krulick | 13 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Maria Kuriloff | 47 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Peter LaVenia | 36 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Dani Liebling | 343 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Carl Lundgren | 158 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Dennis Lynster | 2 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Jason Nabewaniec | 495 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Michael O'Neil | 83 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Gil Obler | 196 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Jeffery Peress | 66 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Rebecca Rotzler | 116 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Ursula Rozum | 20 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Craig Seeman | 302 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Elizabeth Shanklin | 41 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Roger Snyder | 370 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Dave Sutliff-Atias | 93 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Anya Szykitka | 25 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Rachel Treichler | 39 |
New York | Retired Delegate | J. Rebecca White | 221 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Kimberly Wilder | 4 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Julia Willebrand | 116 |
New York | Retired Delegate | Karen Young | 139 |
New York | Retired Alternate | John Baldwin | 1 |
New York | Retired Alternate | Hank Bardel | 1 |
New York | Retired Alternate | Naomi Canaan | 58 |
New York | Retired Alternate | Doug McComb | 26 |
New York | Retired Alternate | Joseph Naham | 34 |
North Carolina | Delegate | Anna Lee Dillon | 32 |
North Carolina | Delegate | Kalia Fitzgerald | 67 |
North Carolina | Retired Delegate | Larry Abbot | 8 |
North Carolina | Retired Delegate | Theresa El Amin | 49 |
North Carolina | Retired Delegate | Elena Everett | 41 |
North Carolina | Retired Delegate | Marcia Everett | 6 |
North Carolina | Retired Delegate | Tommie James | 189 |
North Carolina | Retired Delegate | Laura King | 25 |
North Carolina | Retired Delegate | Katheryn Kuppers | 19 |
North Carolina | Retired Delegate | Jan Martell | 446 |
North Carolina | Retired Delegate | Dan Neuspiel | 198 |
North Carolina | Retired Delegate | Gray Newman | 144 |
North Carolina | Retired Delegate | Kai Schwandes | 193 |
North Carolina | Retired Delegate | Michael Trudeau | 196 |
North Carolina | Retired Alternate | Scott Gillentine | 1 |
North Carolina | Retired Alternate | Tony Ndege | 17 |
North Carolina | Retired Alternate | Kai Schwandes | 19 |
Ohio | Delegate | Philena Farley | 236 |
Ohio | Retired Delegate | David Berenson | 62 |
Ohio | Retired Delegate | Alan Crossman | 5 |
Ohio | Retired Delegate | Paul Dumochelle | 44 |
Ohio | Retired Delegate | Kevin Fay | 61 |
Ohio | Retired Delegate | Laura Hampton | 26 |
Ohio | Retired Delegate | Josh Krekeler | 121 |
Ohio | Retired Delegate | Nathan Lane | 29 |
Ohio | Retired Delegate | Gwen Marshall | 133 |
Ohio | Retired Delegate | Logan Martinez | 269 |
Ohio | Retired Delegate | Sean Nestor | 1 |
Ohio | Retired Delegate | Suzanne Patzer | 45 |
Ohio | Retired Delegate | Anita Rios | 233 |
Ohio | Retired Delegate | Donald Rucknagel | 131 |
Ohio | Retired Delegate | Hillary Tinapple | 1 |
Ohio | Retired Delegate | Kimberly Wise | 182 |
Ohio | Retired Alternate | Jake Ellis | 3 |
Oklahoma | Retired Delegate | Ben Alpers | 10 |
Oklahoma | Retired Delegate | James Branum | 52 |
Oklahoma | Retired Delegate | Bryan Jackson | 56 |
Oklahoma | Retired Delegate | Joni LeViness | 187 |
Oklahoma | Retired Delegate | Jean McMahon | 125 |
Oklahoma | Retired Delegate | Huti Reynolds | 20 |
Oklahoma | Retired Delegate | Eric Smith | 51 |
Oklahoma | Retired Alternate | Fannie Bates | 33 |
Oklahoma | Retired Alternate | Jean McMahon | 16 |
Oregon | Delegate | Mike Beilstein | 224 |
Oregon | Delegate | Josiah Dean | 1 |
Oregon | Delegate | Justin Filip | 20 |
Oregon | Delegate | Nathalie Paravicini | 55 |
Oregon | Retired Delegate | Suzia Aufderheide | 157 |
Oregon | Retired Delegate | Lori Burton | 178 |
Oregon | Retired Delegate | Steve Cleary | 2 |
Oregon | Retired Delegate | Erik Douglas | 19 |
Oregon | Retired Delegate | Chuck Fall | 97 |
Oregon | Retired Delegate | Steve Geiger | 60 |
Oregon | Retired Delegate | Marnie Glickman | 191 |
Oregon | Retired Delegate | Chris Henry | 58 |
Oregon | Retired Delegate | Teresa Keane | 60 |
Oregon | Retired Delegate | Paul Loney | 560 |
Oregon | Retired Delegate | Emma Lugo | 29 |
Oregon | Retired Delegate | Chris Mason | 9 |
Oregon | Retired Delegate | T. Oliver | 61 |
Oregon | Retired Delegate | Starlene Rankin | 37 |
Oregon | Retired Delegate | Michael Sonnleitner | 50 |
Oregon | Retired Delegate | Amanda Trujillo | 17 |
Oregon | Retired Alternate | Nathalie Paravicini | 48 |
Pennsylvania | Delegate | Theron Gilliland | 14 |
Pennsylvania | Delegate | Abi Hunter | 9 |
Pennsylvania | Delegate | Timothy Runkle | 90 |
Pennsylvania | Delegate | Colleen Schmotzer | 2 |
Pennsylvania | Delegate | Jay Walker | 219 |
Pennsylvania | Alternate | Riley Mahon | 8 |
Pennsylvania | Alternate | Matthew Nemeth | 16 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Vivek Ananthan | 227 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Guy Anthony | 16 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Dave Baker | 8 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Christian Banchs | 15 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Jason Berteotti | 23 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Ed Bortz | 38 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick | 47 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Paula Bronstein | 93 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Stuart Chen-Hayes | 58 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | John Clendaniel | 30 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Kristin Combs | 110 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Traci Confer | 25 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Emily Cook | 21 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Rex D'Agostino | 15 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Alex Gillett | 48 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Guy Gray | 20 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Brady Hunsaker | 13 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Hillary Kane | 338 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Scott Kender | 26 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Dan Kinney | 10 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Jonah McAllister-Erickson | 64 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Doug McConatha | 20 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Skip Mendler | 103 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | John Murphy | 30 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Kayly Newcomer | 37 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Titus North | 37 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | David Ochmanowicz Jr. | 37 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Marakay Rogers | 31 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Carl Romanelli | 2 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | James Rountrey | 12 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Ian Samways | 160 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Mark Scaramuzzi | 44 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Beth Scroggin | 185 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Charles Sherrouse | 168 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Mike Shushan | 114 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Bob Small | 139 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Mercedes Spradley | 10 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Galen Tyler | 3 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Garret Wassermann | 108 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Delegate | Diane White | 208 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Alternate | Roy Farrington | 1 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Alternate | Theron Gilliland | 15 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Alternate | George Kanakis | 4 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Alternate | Hillary Kane | 1 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Alternate | Dave Kurzweg | 12 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Alternate | Skip Moyer | 1 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Alternate | John Murphy | 3 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Alternate | David Ochmanowicz Jr. | 15 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Alternate | Robert Piemme | 2 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Alternate | Robert Piemme | 27 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Alternate | Katrina Raser | 1 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Alternate | Brian Tholl | 3 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Alternate | Garret Wassermann | 10 |
Pennsylvania | Retired Alternate | Stephen Weisser | 10 |
Rhode Island | Retired Delegate | Tony Affigne | 327 |
Rhode Island | Retired Delegate | Glen Bennett | 72 |
Rhode Island | Retired Delegate | Joseph P. Buchanan | 40 |
Rhode Island | Retired Delegate | Greg Gerritt | 205 |
Rhode Island | Retired Delegate | Yvonne Graf | 10 |
Rhode Island | Retired Delegate | Cynthia Rose | 8 |
Rhode Island | Retired Delegate | Justin Lee Rossi | 24 |
Rhode Island | Retired Delegate | Nick Schmader | 113 |
Rhode Island | Retired Delegate | Andrew Stewart | 5 |
Rhode Island | Retired Delegate | Richard Walton | 30 |
Rhode Island | Retired Alternate | Tony Affigne | 10 |
Rhode Island | Retired Alternate | James DeBoer | 173 |
Rhode Island | Retired Alternate | Richard Walton | 1 |
South Carolina | Delegate | Gregg Jocoy | 34 |
South Carolina | Delegate | Mike Stewart | 17 |
South Carolina | Delegate | David Whiteman | 819 |
South Carolina | Retired Delegate | Sue Edward | 8 |
South Carolina | Retired Delegate | Preston Holston | 19 |
South Carolina | Retired Delegate | Bill Kreml | 199 |
South Carolina | Retired Delegate | Jessica Lazenby | 233 |
South Carolina | Retired Delegate | Carl Maas | 1 |
South Carolina | Retired Delegate | Elaine Mangum | 13 |
South Carolina | Retired Delegate | Mary Smith | 4 |
South Carolina | Retired Delegate | Jack Uhrich | 20 |
South Carolina | Retired Delegate | Scott West | 23 |
South Carolina | Retired Alternate | Sue Edward | 3 |
South Carolina | Retired Alternate | Bill Kreml | 63 |
South Carolina | Retired Alternate | Mike Stewart | 7 |
South Carolina | Retired Alternate | Scott West | 54 |
South Carolina | Retired Alternate | David Whiteman | 65 |
Tennessee | Delegate | Scerick Longcope | 8 |
Tennessee | Delegate | Michael Principe | 73 |
Tennessee | Retired Delegate | Katey Culver | 220 |
Tennessee | Retired Delegate | Elizabeth Dachowski | 221 |
Tennessee | Retired Delegate | Aaron Fowles | 2 |
Tennessee | Retired Delegate | Donald Land | 103 |
Tennessee | Retired Delegate | John Miglietta | 164 |
Tennessee | Retired Delegate | Trevor Miles | 28 |
Tennessee | Retired Delegate | Martin Pleasant | 236 |
Tennessee | Retired Delegate | Howard Switzer | 451 |
Tennessee | Retired Delegate | Peyton Williams | 6 |
Tennessee | Retired Alternate | Ed Griffith | 1 |
Tennessee | Retired Alternate | Michael Principe | 24 |
Texas | Delegate | Marlon Duran | 47 |
Texas | Delegate | Nancy Gaige | 43 |
Texas | Delegate | Wesson Gaige | 225 |
Texas | Delegate | Alfred Molison | 161 |
Texas | Delegate | Aly Schmidt | 52 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Karla Aguilar | 22 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Valerie Alessi | 42 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Alan Apurim | 11 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Matthew Baumann | 6 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Alison Bittick | 20 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Adrienne Boer | 47 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Adrian Boutureira | 14 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Art Browning | 31 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Esther Choi | 182 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Travis Christal | 69 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Rachel Clary | 60 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Don Cook | 218 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | David Courtney | 17 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Hunter Crow | 126 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Nic Freeman | 53 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Earl Gerhard | 81 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Herb Gonzales | 102 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Monica Griffin | 27 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Katija Gruene | 101 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Deanna Hayes | 26 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Bill Holloway | 105 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Alexander James | 6 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Jeff Justice | 5 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Keith Lyons | 45 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Kevin McCormick | 6 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Christine Morshedi | 33 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Rachel Muldez | 14 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Alejandro Ortega-Morales | 8 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Laura Palmer | 46 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Nathalie Paravicini | 1 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Paul Pipkin | 106 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | David Pollard | 108 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | George Reiter | 73 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Aaron Renaud | 55 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Janis Richards | 10 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Hal Ridley | 1 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Chuck Robinson | 1 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Bonnie Ross | 4 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Keith Sartin | 9 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Christa Schelter | 4 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Rachel Schelter | 4 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Deborah Shafto | 2 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | John St. Denis | 43 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Roy Carl Stanley | 6 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Gary Stuard | 6 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Rachell Tucker | 21 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Natalie Upchurch | 3 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Julian Villarreal | 10 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Joel West | 85 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Roy H. Williams | 3 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | Diane Wood | 62 |
Texas | Retired Delegate | A. J. Worthey | 56 |
Texas | Retired Alternate | MariaElena Castellanos | 2 |
Texas | Retired Alternate | Nancy Gaige | 3 |
Texas | Retired Alternate | Christine Morshedi | 3 |
Texas | Retired Alternate | Thomas Muhammad | 3 |
Texas | Retired Alternate | Douglas Reber | 23 |
Texas | Retired Alternate | Phil Snyder | 118 |
Texas | Retired Alternate | Jake Tucker | 2 |
Texas | Retired Alternate | Rachell Tucker | 3 |
Utah | Delegate | Adam Guymon | 176 |
Utah | Delegate | Russ Wagstaff | 47 |
Utah | Retired Delegate | Patrick Beecroft | 11 |
Utah | Retired Delegate | Edward Bodily | 4 |
Utah | Retired Delegate | Jessica Bronson | 3 |
Utah | Retired Delegate | Joan Gregory | 24 |
Utah | Retired Delegate | Thomas King | 218 |
Utah | Retired Delegate | Elisabeth Luntz | 32 |
Utah | Retired Delegate | Eileen McCabe | 64 |
Utah | Retired Delegate | Linda Parsons | 21 |
Utah | Retired Delegate | Brendan Phillips | 99 |
Utah | Retired Delegate | Dee Taylor | 210 |
Utah | Retired Alternate | Elisabeth Luntz | 24 |
Utah | Retired Alternate | Dee Taylor | 26 |
Vermont | Retired Delegate | Craig Chevrier | 83 |
Vermont | Retired Delegate | Steve Ekberg | 19 |
Vermont | Retired Delegate | Craig Hill | 60 |
Vermont | Retired Delegate | James Leas | 82 |
Vermont | Retired Delegate | Bruce Marshall | 6 |
Vermont | Retired Delegate | George Plumb | 20 |
Virginia | Delegate | Kirit Mookerjee | 512 |
Virginia | Retired Delegate | Blaizen Bloom | 32 |
Virginia | Retired Delegate | Cindy Bowles | 7 |
Virginia | Retired Delegate | Audrey Clement | 395 |
Virginia | Retired Delegate | Giannina DiMaio | 55 |
Virginia | Retired Delegate | Susan Dridi | 1 |
Virginia | Retired Delegate | Christopher Fink | 100 |
Virginia | Retired Delegate | Joe Galdo | 23 |
Virginia | Retired Delegate | Montigue Magruder | 40 |
Virginia | Retired Delegate | Tina Rockett | 143 |
Virginia | Retired Delegate | Mike Shushan | 92 |
Virginia | Retired Delegate | Sid Smith | 103 |
Virginia | Retired Delegate | Ava Wolfberg | 1 |
Virginia | Retired Delegate | Tamar Yager | 515 |
Virginia | Retired Delegate | Tom Yager | 46 |
Virginia | Retired Delegate | Bahram Zandi | 35 |
Virginia | Retired Alternate | Blaizen Bloom | 6 |
Virginia | Retired Alternate | Christopher Fink | 33 |
Virginia | Retired Alternate | Charlie Jordan | 4 |
Virginia | Retired Alternate | Ava Wolfberg | 1 |
Washington | Delegate | Margaret Elisabeth | 124 |
Washington | Delegate | Starlene Rankin | 51 |
Washington | Retired Delegate | Nelson Cone | 165 |
Washington | Retired Delegate | Budd Dickinson | 274 |
Washington | Retired Delegate | Aram Falsafi | 124 |
Washington | Retired Delegate | Mike Gillis | 106 |
Washington | Retired Delegate | Jody Grage | 448 |
Washington | Retired Delegate | Alice B. Green | 15 |
Washington | Retired Delegate | Dave Jette | 5 |
Washington | Retired Delegate | Scott Laugenour | 83 |
Washington | Retired Delegate | Kathryn Lewandowsky | 33 |
Washington | Retired Delegate | Kyle Taylor Lucas | 3 |
Washington | Retired Delegate | Nina Manuel Magnoni | 18 |
Washington | Retired Delegate | Noah Martin | 79 |
Washington | Retired Delegate | Suzanne Nott | 2 |
Washington | Retired Delegate | Ryan Powell | 20 |
Washington | Retired Delegate | Joe Szwaja | 38 |
Washington | Retired Delegate | Brent White | 60 |
Washington | Retired Alternate | Duncan Autrey | 5 |
Washington | Retired Alternate | Starlene Rankin | 17 |
West Virginia | Delegate | Robert Smith | 32 |
West Virginia | Retired Delegate | Joel Brown | 33 |
West Virginia | Retired Delegate | Karen Grubb | 208 |
West Virginia | Retired Delegate | Jesse Johnson | 17 |
West Virginia | Retired Delegate | Matthew Kolb | 13 |
West Virginia | Retired Delegate | Frank Young | 600 |
West Virginia | Retired Alternate | Frank Young | 30 |
Wisconsin | Delegate | David Schwab | 50 |
Wisconsin | Delegate | Michael White | 25 |
Wisconsin | Alternate | Jo'Nathan Kingfisher | 1 |
Wisconsin | Alternate | Mike McCallister | 17 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Tiffany Anderson | 3 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Gregg Banks | 64 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Jill Bussiere | 172 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Sam Chance | 10 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Ron Hardy | 227 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Steve Herrick | 34 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Bruce Hinkforth | 446 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Tommy King | 27 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Monte LeTourneau | 141 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Ben Manski | 51 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | George Martin | 11 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Mike McCallister | 45 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Jeff Peterson | 191 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Juscha Robinson | 1 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Tom Rodman | 10 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Bryce Ruddock | 71 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Cindy Stimmler | 8 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Ruth Weill | 151 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Michael White | 11 |
Wisconsin | Retired Delegate | Dace Zeps | 19 |
Wisconsin | Retired Alternate | Sam Chance | 36 |
Wisconsin | Retired Alternate | Melissa Minkoff | 15 |
Wisconsin | Retired Alternate | James O'Neill | 1 |
Wisconsin | Retired Alternate | AJ Segneri | 20 |
Wisconsin | Retired Alternate | Cindy Stimmler | 14 |
Women's Caucus | Delegate | Ann Link | 122 |
Women's Caucus | Delegate | Dee Taylor | 9 |
Women's Caucus | Alternate | Tamar Yager | 11 |
Women's Caucus | Retired Delegate | Nancy Allen | 5 |
Women's Caucus | Retired Delegate | DawnMarie Cronen | 26 |
Women's Caucus | Retired Delegate | Theresa El Amin | 81 |
Women's Caucus | Retired Delegate | Sanda Everette | 24 |
Women's Caucus | Retired Delegate | Holly Hart | 119 |
Women's Caucus | Retired Delegate | Patricia Trish Jackson | 12 |
Women's Caucus | Retired Delegate | Starlene Rankin | 52 |
Women's Caucus | Retired Delegate | Jennifer Sullivan | 168 |
Women's Caucus | Retired Delegate | Julia Willebrand | 188 |
Women's Caucus | Retired Delegate | Tamar Yager | 94 |
Women's Caucus | Retired Alternate | Cynthya BrianKate | 95 |
Women's Caucus | Retired Alternate | Katija Gruene | 46 |
Women's Caucus | Retired Alternate | Ann Link | 5 |
Women's Caucus | Retired Alternate | Jennifer Sullivan | 16 |
Wyoming | Retired Delegate | Roberta Harper-McIntosh | 1 |
Wyoming | Retired Delegate | Mike Oxley | 1 |
Youth Caucus | Delegate | Austin Bashore | 186 |
Youth Caucus | Delegate | Sam Chance | 40 |
Youth Caucus | Alternate | Noah Martin | 5 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Delegate | Tyler Beloin | 21 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Delegate | Michael Dennis | 13 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Delegate | Patrick Hughes | 6 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Delegate | Zack Looney | 5 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Delegate | Riley Mahon | 39 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Delegate | Thomas Murphy | 18 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Delegate | Ursula Rozum | 5 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Delegate | Natalia Schuurman | 38 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Delegate | Alex Shantz | 40 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Delegate | Matthew Skolar | 39 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Delegate | Abby Thacker | 16 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Delegate | Michael Trudeau | 42 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Alternate | Hunter Crow | 2 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Alternate | Michael Dennis | 18 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Alternate | Elizabeth Freeman | 11 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Alternate | Mike Gamms | 2 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Alternate | Zack Looney | 7 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Alternate | Evan Lyne | 12 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Alternate | Denechia Powell | 4 |
Youth Caucus | Retired Alternate | Jay Walker | 13 |