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Ranked Choice Vote Details

Ranked Choice Vote ID1233
Ranked Choice VoteSpecial Election to Fill Open Seats for Green Congressional Campaign Committee
TypeSecret Ballot Revealed at Close of Polls
Number of Seats2
Ranked Choice Vote AdministratorHolly Hart
Discussion09/10/2024 - 09/22/2024
Voting09/23/2024 - 09/29/2024
Presens Quorum30 0.6666
Candidates Kalia Fitzgerald, GPNC
Samantha Hull, GPCO


This is Special Election to fill two of three open seats in the Green Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Candidate Information

Kalia Fitzgerald, GPNC
As a member of the NCGP I wear many hats. I am currently the Membership Chair. I am working to reestablish the regional chapters after COVID. I am a member of the Media Committee. I am Michael Dublin's campaign manager for US House District 2. We are looking for volunteers, donors, and sustainers!!!! I am on the Steering Committee of the People's Power Coalition as a NCGP representative. I am a delegate to GPUS. I also attend many events including protest, rallies, vigils, etc. to support our community and causes. With GPUS, I am on the ANMC and a member of the Black Caucus. I help with the CCC as well.

As a child of a politician and an evangelist, being a community minded person is a gift I inherited naturally. I grew up in the NC Democratic political scene based in Cumberland County. We still have a large sign for Harvey Gannt in the backyard of our family home. Most of my days were spent either in church or campaigning. Even as a baby I was "that child" that politicians came to kiss and take pictures with.

Growing up, I worked on many campaigns with my father, Clinton Harris, learning how to get people registered to vote, going door to door for candidates, focusing on districts for early voting, and taking sample ballots to churches late Saturday nights so they would have them for Sunday service before election day. I worked on campaigns for the 1st Black Mayor of Fayetteville, NC Marshall B. Pitts Jr, G. K. Butterfield (US House NC District 1), Mike McIntyre (US House NC District 7), Sheriff Moose Butler of Cumberland County, and Fayetteville City Councilman D.J. Haire among many others.

My Godmother, and middle name sake, Jeanette Council is on the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners. At my Father's funeral, the eulogy was given by Judge Patricia Timmons-Goodson. It was one of his wishes to see her on the Supreme Court. I was instrumental in writing to then President Obama to have her selected. As my Father used to work in the White House and had written and spoken to every president since, it was not unnatural for us to write letters to the sitting president of the time and make such request. While this did not happen, it was the effort over the years that my family put into her career that lead her to speak those final words for him.

Much to my chagrin, I have worked with and am still friends with Cheryl Beasley and her family. She was the candidate that was against the NC Green Party senatorial candidate Matt Hoh in 2022 when the Democrats did their dirty work to get the NCGP off the ballot. I was not a part of her campaign at the time. By this time in my life, I had left the Dems and had found my home with the Green Party.

My Father passed in 2017 right after Trump's inauguration. My family often jokes that he couldn't stand being in this world any longer after being born in 1934, living through segregation, and then having to suffer through a Trump presidency. He was aware of my political choices. When people would come to ask him for advice, he told them that the world we lived in wasn't the world we needed to live in any longer. That would lead to him to engaging me in the conversation with my "wet behind the ears" ideas of this new party I had joined that might be worth something. I know that I'm making him proud in what I do. Most of all, I'm proud to do what I do. I've learned a lot over the years. I want to put that knowledge to use for a movement that is for the people, not for profit. Since being with the Green Party, this no longer feels like work. This feels like home, with a purpose and a passion to see the emergence of something greater.

Samantha Hull, GPCO
Samantha Hull is a dedicated humanitarian activist known for her commitment to social justice and environmental sustainability. As a Green Party Presidential campaign Coordinator in 2016, she played a crucial role in promoting green policies and raising awareness about pressing ecological issues in Florida.

For a decade, Samantha ran an online activism radio station with her husband, where she amplified the voices of marginalized communities and fostered discussions on important social topics. Originally from Florida, she is now a proud resident of Colorado, where she continues to advocate for humanitarian causes and contribute to the vibrant activist community.

In her free time, Samantha enjoys exploring Colorado's natural beauty and engaging in community service initiatives, further embodying her passion for making a positive impact in the world.

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Green Party of the United States