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Ranked Choice Vote Details

Ranked Choice Vote ID1242
Ranked Choice VoteSpecial Election to Fill Open Seat on Green Congressional Campaign Committee
TypeSecret Ballot Revealed at Close of Polls
Number of Seats1
Ranked Choice Vote AdministratorHolly Hart
Discussion01/20/2025 - 02/02/2025
Voting02/03/2025 - 02/09/2025
Presens Quorum 0.6666
Candidates Halley Karas, Michigan


his is a Special Election to fill an open seat on the Green Congressional Campaign Committee.

Green Congressional Campaign Committee: -

Candidate Information

Halley Karas, Michigan
Halley Karas is a marketing strategist, business leader, and lifelong advocate for social justice and environmental sustainability. With over 15 years of experience in digital marketing and business operations, Halley brings a unique blend of strategic expertise and creative vision to the GCCC. She holds a degree in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and an Executive MBA from the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business.

A member of the Michigan Green Party, Halley has been actively supporting Green candidates and causes for years. Most recently, she created all campaign assets and campaigns— streaming TV ads, display ads, yard signs, banners, and flyers—for Chester Todd’s congressional campaign in Wisconsin's first district and ran YouTube ad campaigns several 2024 Green congressional candidates with the GCCC, helping amplify their platforms to a broader audience. Her work combines professional marketing expertise with a deep commitment to the Green Party’s values.

Halley’s political involvement began early, serving as a delegate to the Green Party’s national convention in 2004 at the age of 18. She strongly aligns with the Green Party platform, championing causes such as peace, social justice, voting rights, electoral reform, universal healthcare, and support for Palestinian liberation. These principles not only reflect her personal values but also drive her professional approach to empowering candidates to communicate impactful messages and create meaningful connections with constituents.

In addition to her political work, Halley founded Plum Good Marketing, where she helps businesses, nonprofits and organizations craft innovative, strategic marketing plans to achieve their goals. 

With her passion for the Green Party’s mission and her extensive marketing and organizational expertise, Halley is eager to contribute to the GCCC by supporting candidates in crafting compelling campaigns, amplifying their voices, and advancing the Green Party's vision for a just and sustainable future.

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Green Party of the United States