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 National Committee Voting


Ranked Choice Vote Details

Ranked Choice Vote ID208
Ranked Choice VoteGPUS Delegate Apportionment Committee Election
TypeOpen Ballot
Number of Seats8
Ranked Choice Vote AdministratorJody Grage
Discussion02/21/2006 - 03/12/2006
Voting03/13/2006 - 03/19/2006
Presens Quorum32 0.6666
Candidates Ben Alpers, OK
Forrest Hill, CA
Greg Gerritt, RI
Dean Myerson, DC
Brent White, WA
Jonathan Lundell, CA
Bruce Meyer, CO
Gary Hecker, FL
Guy Anthony, PA
Andrew Spencer, AZ
Elizabeth Arnone, NJ
Cat Woods, CA
Maya O'Connor, NWC
Asa Gordon, DC
Nathan Bahn, MD
Ginny-Marie Case, NWC


The GPUS National Committee adopted, on 10/9/05, Proposal #175 which would
establish the creation of a delegate apportionment committee.

 "To facilitate the adoption of a more proportionate system or governance, the
GPUS shall create a committee to develop a set of criteria for establishing
the delegation size of each state. This committee shall be given six months to
makes recommendations to the GPUS, at which time these recommendations shall
be voted on by the NC.
"The criteria proposed by the internal committee shall constitute an amendment
to the bylaws and therefore require a 2/3's vote for passage. If these
criteria are rejected by the NC, the committee shall by given 6 more months to
incorporate the concerns of the NC and come back with a new proposal for
allocating delegates. All proposals must, however, adhere to the principle of
proportional representation."

This proposal was amended, as of 2/5/06, to allow for broader participation;
and to allow the committee to be elected using the STV program and software
currently in use on the GPUS voting page.

Proposal #175. II. Committee Structure, B. Election of Internal Committee.
"The members of the Internal Committee shall be elected by the NC using the
current system of Single Transferable Voting employed by the Green Party
website: Multi-Seat Ranked-Choice Voting
"The threshold a candidate must pass in order to be elected will be the total
number of ballots cast minus the total vote value of the non-used portion of
all exhausted ballots, all divided by one more than the number of seats
being filled.
"All ballots that have reached a particular elected candidate shall have their
remaining vote value multiplied by the candidate's surplus multiplier: the
total vote value of all ballots that have reached that candidate at the
point they reach that candidate, minus the election threshold, all divided by
the total vote value of all ballots that have reached that candidate at the
point they reach that candidate.
"All ballots cast, along with the name of the delegate casting each ballot,
and a spreadsheet showing the vote-counting process, shall be publicized.
The Steering Committee shall certify the results of the election no earlier
than one week after the ballots and spreadsheet are publicized. The SC's
certification may only be overruled by a resolution from the NC, passed by
simple majority, amending the certification. No motion for an amended
certification may be offered more than 30 days after the SC's original

Candidate Information

Ben Alpers, OK
Here are my interests and qualifications: I am, by profession, a
twentieth-century US historian (PhD Princeton, 1994), so I have some
knowledge of the issues involved in delegate apportionment. I've been
involved in Green politics since 1998. I've served a term as co-
chair of the GPOK, where we faced some similar issues about how to
fairly represent the will of Greens of our state. But most of all, I
would come in with an open mind, and a sense that delegate
apportionment is a legitimately difficult issues. Our nation's
patchwork of largely unfair ballot access and voter registration laws
makes comparing the number of Greens (or voters for Green candidates)
in different states tricky. I do have a commitment to keeping the
GPUS a national party in which Greens from around the country truly
have a say. Our delegate apportionment criteria obviously can have
an effect on which Greens get a seat at the table of national
decision making.

Forrest Hill, CA
I have a lot of experience working on the apportionment issue and think that i
could be of real service to the group.

You can find my bio by going to

Greg Gerritt, RI
Greg Gerritt has been an active Green for more than 20 years, running for
office three times, running petition drives for candidates, serving as an
officer at local, state, and national level.

More directly to the point of this committee he was a member of the
Transition Committee that developed the plan that moved the NC from a body
in which all states get two votes to the partly proportional body that
currently exists, and served on the committee that developed the formula for
representation at the 2000 National Convention He has long been a
spokesperson for the viewpoint that the structure of the GPUS is a structure
that continues to evolve. Gerritt's goal for the committee is to come back
to the NC with a proposal that more than 90% of the delegates will approve,
anything less will mean a breakdown in negotiations and in efforts to reach
a consensus.

Dean Myerson, DC
Dean Myerson has held a variety of positions with the Green Party and its
Association of State Green Parties predecessor ranging from Secretary to
Political Coordinator. He is familiar with the long history of Green
debates over representation at the national level and can bring a
historical perspective to the challenge of resolving this long-contentious

Brent White, WA
Here's Brent White's "short bio" infused in an essay on my reasons for
running for the Internal Committee.

On the Causes and Solutions for the Tractable Problem of Delegate
Apportionment in the Green Party of the United States

by Brent White,
Candidate for the Internal Committee of the Green Party of the United States

Factionalism has been a national Green Party tradition since 1983. It
will always be with us. Without it, it wouldn’t be the Green Party.
A previous incarnation of the Green Party collapsed in large part due to
its inability to sell its way of counting votes as fair. We can’t undervalue
the importance of this debate to the future of the Party.
During the current incarnation of the Green Party, multiple attempts have
been made to come up with acceptable formulae for delegate apportionment on
the GNC and to the presidential nominating conventions. The end results show
that the process tends to decide the results.
In the process of determining delegate apportionment to the nominating
convention, we attempted a consensus-seeking process to put forth a single,
unified proposal for delegate apportionment. In the end, some delegates who
gritted their teeth and voted for the formula later vilified the formula in
the press.
What was put forth was a Rube Goldberg of unrelated rules, only one of
which had anything to do with the principle of one-person-one-vote. (And
oddly, that one aspect that had to do with one-person-one-vote was the element
that received the most criticism.) I think the people who served on the
committee that designed this formula did the best they could under a process
that was set up for them to fail.
Last year, we repeated the process, and expected different results.
This year, we have a committee designed to repeat that process again, in
hopes that this time we will have different results. I would submit to you,
honorable members of the Green National Committee, that in order to have a
different result, you have to change the process.
One of the great facilitation tricks we have used in this party is instant
runoff voting. We’ve even learned to use it for competing proposals. If
elected to the Internal Committee, I will urge my fellow committee members to
agree to disagree on various proposals, but help each other perfect proposals
and let the GNC choose among the best. The supermajority decision should
belong to the GNC, not the Internal Committee.

Personally, I’m a big fan of using one-person-one-vote as the essential
rule for determining delegate apportionment. I’m also a big non-fan of
mimicking what other parties have done in the past just to mimic them.
There is a simple way to count votes and apportion delegates to the
nominating convention based on one-person-one-vote: Count all the votes.
It’s really not that difficult to treat a Green’s vote cast in the California
primary the same as a Green’s vote cast in the Vermont Green Party’s
presidential preference vote.
At the same time, I respect those Greens who would be averse to such an
approach. To them, I say that’s fine. Let’s put our best ideas on the table,
help each other improve them, and then let the GNC decide among them (or
reject all of them, if they see fit to do so, without the Internal Committee
members taking it personally).

To sum up, my approach on the Internal Committee would be to accept
differences of opinion instead of trying to force consensus, and to urge
simple proposals that have spent some time on the drawing board, preferably
based on the principle of one-person-one-vote.

A little bit about myself: I have been involved in the Green Party at various
levels since 1995, and a supporter since at least 1992. I’ve served on state
coordinating bodies in both Texas and Washington.
I co-authored a campaign finance initiative in Austin – based on the
simple notion of $100 contribution limits to city council campaigns – that
passed overwhelmingly, with majority support in every single voting precinct
in the city. Sometimes, Occam’s Razor is the best solution for untying the
Gordion Knot.
Some of you may know me as a vocal critic of past leaders of GDI. Be
assured that it was their methods, not the stated goals of GDI, of which I
have a problem. I hope people are ready to put partisanship around the long-
over 2004 election aside, and get on with the job of collectively building for
the 2008 campaign. To that end, I have to endorse widespread participation in
the final decision as the best way to build the campaign. One-person-one-vote
isn’t merely the principled path for our party, it is the pragmatic path for
our party.

I hope to have your support for my service on the Internal Committee and
your support for taking the leap of faith of letting the GNC choose from among
a menu of options for delegate apportionment, and eventually for a process
that maximizes the number of Greens feeling they were a part of our nomination

In service,
Brent White
(unanimously endorsed by the Green Party of Washington State Coordinating

Jonathan Lundell, CA
I'd like to serve on the internal committee on delegate
apportionment, as established by Proposal 175 and amended by Proposal

I'm a member of the Green Party of California. I've served on GPUS
BRPP, as BRPP's liaison to FRWG and PCSC, and on the GPCA Bylaws

I have a special interest in election methods that promote
proportional representation, and am now serving on the GPUS working
group on SC elections.

Bruce Meyer, CO
Colorado Representative
Treasurer/Co-Chair, Denver Green Party
Campaign Organizer, Denver Green Party
Former Colorado GP Chair
2004 candidate for Colo State House District 4
Milwaukee convention attendee in 2004
Green Party member since 2000

Born in Ganado, Arizona
Raised in Denver, Colorado
BS from Arizona State University
Home in Denver, married and father of one 15 month old (just walking)
Business Manager at a Financial Services office in Denver
Involved in hemp and third party issues prior to Green Party work


Bruce Meyer

On Sun, 12 Feb 2006

Gary Hecker, FL
Delegate from Florida (2 years)

Former Co-Chair, Green Party of Florida

Currently serve on the Platcom and DRC.

Sat on Presidential Nominating Working Group. I believe I was the only
member of that group to submit an individual final report to the NC.

Graduate of the US Air Force Academy. Served 12 years active duty, including
extensive operations in the Gulf. Have traveled extensively throughout the

Thank you.

Gary Hecker

Guy Anthony, PA
I offer myself as a candidate for this committee.

This committee will have to find fair and acceptable common ground on one of
the most hotly contested intra-party issues ever.
I hope it will be an opportunity to bring reason, discourse and diplomacy to
issues that have become almost hopelessly snarled by emotional posturing and a
partisian digging of heels.

Registered Green during 2000 Nader campaign
County Chair for Bucks County PA (2001) and Cambria County (2004 to present)
Member of GPPA steering committee
Mayoral candidate for Johnstown PA

Andrew Spencer, AZ
I, Andrew Spencer, would like to throw my name in for the Delegate
Committee. Here's a brief bio...

I'm 22, a soon to be graduating student pursuing a degree in Philosophy and a
degree in Psychology from the University of Arizona.
I've lived for no less than a year in Virginia, Rhode Island, Texas, New
Jersey, and Arizona.
Founder and current president of Campus Greens at the U of A.
On the Ballot Access and Instant Runoff Voting committees for the Green Party
of Pima County, and the Communications committee for the AZGP.

- Drew.

Elizabeth Arnone, NJ
I am interested in joining the committee because I have had previous
experience in this issue working with Pnp-wg. It has given me a better
understanding of how complicated it really is.

I would like to see fair and balanced representation on this committee.

My previous experience with the Greens in NJ is several terms as Treasurer
and working on the Membership and Policy committees.

I have run for assembly in Ocean County and participate with other activists
in the area, i.e. Peach Action, Stop Wal-Mart, and Monmouth Progressive

I have worked on several campaigns, the last of which was Matt Thieke for
Governor in NJ, and was also his Treasurer.

My passion is the Green Party and Social Justice.

I believe the outcome of the work on this committee will determine the
success of our next nominating convention and whether the Green Party will
survive or implode, whether we will work together or apart. 2004 was a
disaster and I would not like to see that happen again. The Green Party has
an opportunity to do things right, to lead by example and that's why I'm
still here.
-- Thanking you in advance for your consideration. Liz Arnone - NJ

Cat Woods, CA
Bio and Statement of Candidacy for GPUS APPORTIONMENT COMMITTEE

I am running for apportionment committee because I believe
that rectifying apportionment is key to resolving the strife
in our national party and, therefore, to giving the party a

I’ve been a political activist since 1984 and registered in
the Green Party since 92. My passion is standards of
democracy: how electoral and other decision-making
structures can maximize fairness. I’m currently active in
Californians for Electoral Reform (affiliated with
FairVote), Marin Ranked Voting, and the citizens’ advisory
committee for my county's elections, in addition to the
Electoral Reform working group of the GPCA. I’m also a
member of the Marin County GP county council, the GPCA
coordinating committee, and the GPCA Bylaws committee.

I’m going to speak straight to the main concern here: Am I
part of an attempt by the “big states” to disenfranchise the
“small states”? The answer, truthfully, is “No.”

I am a proponent of the plan Forrest Hill presented on
behalf of Greens for Democracy and Independence (GDI) at

  * Each state would choose four of the following eight
  measures of its Green Party membership (including no
  more than one of the last two “threshold methods”):

  1. The number of local and statewide
  Green Party candidates who ran for
  office in each state during the last
  election cycle (2004 – 2008) as a
  percentage of the national total of
  local and statewide GP candidates.

  2. The number of votes cast for local and
  statewide Green Party candidates in each state
  during the last election cycle as a percentage of
  the national total of votes cast for local and
  statewide GP candidates.

  3. The number of Green Party office-holders in
  each state as a percentage of the national total
  of Green Party office-holders.

  4. The number of votes cast for David Cobb and
  Ralph Nader in each state in 2004 as a percentage
  of the total of votes cast for Cobb/Nader.

  5. The number of votes cast in the 2008
  primary/caucus in each state as a percentage of
  the total number of votes cast in all state

  6. The number of registered Greens in each state
  as a percentage of the total number of registered

  7. The population of each state as a percentage of
  the total population in the county.

  8. One percent.

  * The state calculates its percent apportionment by
  averaging its four chosen criteria.

IMPORTANT POINT: inclusion is guaranteed. If the percentage
a “small state” would receive works out to less than one
delegate, the state receives one delegate. No one I know of
in GDI has ever opposed inclusion of all state parties. “One
Green One Vote” is a guiding principle, not a literal
apportionment formula.

The upshot of such a plan is that, while California still
has about half the members of the GPUS, it could at most get
about 25 to 30% of the delegates. The goal is fair
representation of all GPUS members, not exclusion of smaller
parties. In California, we use proportional representation
to give our members fair representation on the delegation.
Those members should, in turn, be fairly represented on the

It is always difficult for people who have undue or unfair
influence to let go of some of that influence for the sake
of fairness or democracy. Yet this is what needs to happen
to resolve the strife in this party. The alternative is,
very literally, state parties choosing to disaffiliate or
not cooperate with national decisions. Grassroots democracy
means representing the actual members, not the geography.
Our platform stresses electoral reform, including systems of
fair representation. For the sake of our party and these
goals, we need to offer more accurate representation of our
own members.

Maya O'Connor, NWC

Asa Gordon, DC
Asa Gordon is founder and executive director of the Douglass Institute of
Government, []; Chair, DC Statehood Green
Party Electoral College Task Force[]; Secretary-General
of the Sons & Daughters of the United States Colored
Troops[] charted by the African American Civil War
Memorial Freedom Foundation
and serves on Congressman (Rep., Va.) Robert Scott's New Market Heights (USCT
Medal of Honor) Memorial Advisory Committee . A retired Astrodynamicist, his
work as a scientist for NASA appears in international scientific journals and
is referenced in Ivan Van Sertima's "Blacks in Science Ancient and Modern". He
served two terms as President of the Goddard Engineers Scientists and
Technicians Association.


More at:

Nathan Bahn, MD
I am interested in placing my name in nomination for a seat. My reason for
joining the Maryland Green Party was -- and is -- advancing the concept of
proportional representation. That is my reason for putting my name forward.

Nathan Bahn
MGP Recording Secretary

Ginny-Marie Case, NWC
My Green Party Resume

Staff, Medea for Senate campaign (under Lynne Serpe, had a blast)
Staff, Sara Amir for State Assembly (under Lynne Serpe, still...had a
Attended San Diego Plenary**

County Council member, Green Party of Los Angeles County
Alternate Regional Representative, Green Party of California,
Coordinating Committee
Attended Sacramento Plenary**
Attended Burlingame Plenary**

Coordinated GPCA Plenary, Los Angeles (slept about 45 minutes the
whole three days, and it made money!)**
Attended Fresno Plenary**
Volunteer, Camejo for Governor (I purchased the only lawn signs to
show up in Los Angeles County)
County Council member, Green Party of Los Angeles County
GPCA/GPUS Delegate and Co-Co
Westside Greens member

Attended Santa Clara Plenary**
Attended Fullerton Plenary**
Attended San Diego Plenary**
Volunteer, Camejo for Governor
GPCA/GPUS Delegate and Co-Co
Co-Chair of GPUS Accreditation Committee (We passed the IDCAP and
2004 Presidential Nominating Convention rules)
Westside Greens Member, and treasurer

Attended Moorpark Plenary**
Attended Sylmar Plenary

Worked at paying off my student loans

Electoral Candidate for Los Angeles Downtown Neighborhood Council

All that being said, it's nice to have experience in the party,
understanding (because I've facilitated often) the concensus process,
and having been in the "hot seat" multiple times, I'm up for the
challenge of Apportionments.

I grew up in a very small town, my graduating class from a public
high school was about 100 students. I now live in a very big town,
er...a big city. So, I do have an appreciation for those who feel
under represented, and statistically speaking may be over represented.

GPUS has changed through the years, we have a tremendous amount of
new faces. I'd like to see a conversation take place that starts
with everything on the table. As we go through the potential list of
options and review each on their individual merits.

I've inserted my full professional resume below, however, if there
are any questions about my qualifications, or there are specific
concerns that you would like to have addressed, please let me know.

One more thing, the ** by the plenary notations, represent when I was
a delegate.



Ginny-Marie Case
610 S Main St #615, Los Angeles, CA 90014
Hm/Fx: 213/688.9661

A personable geek would be the best way to describe my personal
ethic. I come with the typical hyphenated workforce catch phrases:
hard-working and team-player. I have become accustomed to a fast-
paced and aggressive career environment. As a self-described “policy
wonk” I keep up to date on the federal budget, and with the politics
affecting my clients, this includes natural disasters, elections, and
local policies that have budgetary implications.

Senior Client Services Associate, eCivis, Inc.; Pasadena, CA - 2003-
The company hosts a web-based system of state, federal and foundation
grant summaries and applications. Our primary client base is local
government. I am responsible for managing over $1,600,000 in
strategic accounts. I manage clients such as the City of Los Angeles,
CA; King County, WA; Deschutes County, OR; City of Auburn, WA;
Johnson County, KS; and many others.

I work with individual users to identify key funding priorities,
assist them in improving their grants performance, and review
resolcitied federal grant programs. I published a monthly
newsletter, “The Compass”, with articles about upcoming key grant
programs, tips on using our system more efficiently, and funding
award notices to our clients. During my tenure, eCivis clients
secured over 7 billion dollars in grant awards. I know this looks
like big numbers, this includes funding amounts from block grants and
restricted funding.

In addition to maintaining client relationships, I also lead weekly,
web-based trainings on using our system, as well as project planning,
basic grant writing, and an introduction to the federal budget process.
When I arrived at eCivis, I was their first Client Services
Associates. The team has grown to four, and I’ve played a central
role in training new employees, and outlining team goals and
responsibilities to our clients.

Senior Associate, The Robert Group; Los Angeles, CA - 2001-2003
The Robert Group is a public affairs firm, focusing mostly in
transportation planning. During my tenure with the firm, I worked on
the following projects: Los Angeles to Pasadena Gold Line, San
Francisco Public Utilities Commission Alameda Habitat Conservation
Plan, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority North
County Combined Highway Corridor Study, Amtrak-Los Angeles Union
station Run-Through Tracks.

My primary job responsibilities included database management,
stakeholder identification and outreach, proposal development, and
project implementation. I used to joke that I was a glorified party-
planner, because I was responsible for developing cover letters and
invitations to public hearings, open houses, and community meetings.
Once the invitations went out, I was responsible for the development
of collateral materials (in multiple languages), securing
translators, and finding good dim-sum to keep stakeholders happy.

Graduate Assistant, Pepperdine University; Malibu, CA - 1999-2001
As a graduate assistant I became good friends with all of the Xerox
machines in the building, memorized the favorite coffee blends of the
nice professors, and identified the signs of which professors were
having good days, or close to identifying important revelations that
could potentially alter the face of the earth. (it’s important to
stay away from professors close to having important revelations as
they begin to speak in terms that make no sense).

One of my projects was to assist Dr. Gordon Lloyd in identifying
websites that hosted royalty-free text of assigned readings. This
allows students to avoid purchasing expensive books when professors
assign only 1/5 of the book as required reading.

Volunteer Coordinator, Medea Benjamin for U.S. Senate; Los Angeles,
CA - 2000
Building on skills picked up from the Kastama campaign, I was
responsible for assigning volunteers to positions best suited to
their skills set. Towards the end of the campaign, we began to
garner a good deal of traction, and I became the right hand of the
campaign manager, managing financial resources and local media
strategy in Los Angeles. While she lost the campaign, Medea has gone
on to lead a number of political and humanitarian activities.

Intern, James Kastama for Senate; Sumner, WA - 2000
Assisted campaign manager to develop initial endorsements list and
volunteer database. He won his race, and has since been reelected.

Project Coordinator/AmeriCorps Volunteer, Hood Canal Watershed
Project Center; Belfair, WA - 1996-1997
I was responsible for two activities: development of a volunteer
program and evaluation of the Lower Hood Canal Watershed Management
Plan. I spent the majority of my time developing and implementing
the process to evaluate an action plan that was at the end of it’s
implementation. Each of the 63 action steps was evaluated for it’s
level of effectiveness, and a recommendation was made for next step.
This was the first evaluation of a watershed management plan in
Washington state, with the final report being used as a template in
other watersheds. I was nominated and awarded the Hood Canal
Achievement Award by the Hood Canal Coordinating Council, and
recognized by Governor Locke.

Barista, Mud Bay Coffee; Bremerton, WA - 1995-1999
Yes, who can live in Washington State and not work at a coffee shop?

Camp Counselor, Totem Girl Scout Council; Lilliwaup, WA - 1994-1995
Who can live in Washington and not work at a summer camp? I led kayak
and backpacking trips. Hiking with Llamas marked the end of my
career as a camp counselor. Hire me and I’ll tell you the story.

North Mason High School, Belfair, WA - Diploma, 1994
Olympic Community College, Bremerton, WA - No Diploma
The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA - Bachelor of Arts, Public
Policy/Economics, 1999
Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA - Masters of Public Policy, Local
and American Government, 2001
Max Sacks Sales Training, 2005
Negotiation Skills Training, 2005

Rather than just listing the programs I know, let me tell you how
I’ve used them:

PC/MAC friendly: I’ll admit and own up to it: I was the computer lab
assistant throughout high school. I learned how to type on PC, but
used Apples for PageMaker, MS Works, and Hypercard...Remember those

Microsoft office: An unavoidable nuisance.

PowerPoint: In graduate school, people wanted me on their team
because I can quickly develop good-looking presentations. I pride
myself on developing low-key presentations so that people pay
attention to the message, not the pretty moving pictures. In the
working environment, I’ve developed presentations delivered over the
internet using iLinc and GoToMy PC.

Word: I’ve used Word since 1998. Reports, charts, pictures, forms -
I’m there. The only thing I can’t do is make check boxes... but I
think this may be an easy thing to learn.

Excel: Ditto what I said about Word. I know the difference between
the worksheets and workbook. There’s not a day that goes by that I’m
not looking at an Excel Workbook, numbers are key this day an age.
The day you don’t know your numbers, is the day you should look for
new employment - at least that’s what my Grandfather says.

Access: No one ever seems to know this one, but I taught myself how
to use this program. I developed an auditing system during my
Americorps project, to manage the evaluation process.

Visio: Another program I taught myself. I enjoy Gantt charts, Work
Breakdown Structures, and a quiet afternoon at the coffee shop. I
use this program to develop process papers for new work assignments.

Publisher: I’ve used this program to develop everything from dinner
party invitations, public hearing notices, newsletters, and final
reports. I don’t usually tell potential employers about my knack for
Publisher, because it’s one of those hidden bonuses they find out
about after I’m hired.

GoldMine: This CRM system is used to manage and document client
requests, sales, potential sales, and outstanding proposals. It’s
been great learning how to use this program, it’s full of options,
customizations, and other useless options most companies do not use
or need. So why use it? It helps to develop strategies for
upselling to your existing clients.

Questions about this system?
Contact the Voting Admin.
The Green Party of the United States voting system is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
You can download a copy here.
To independently verify a ranked choice vote, or for information about how that works, go to Jonathan Lundell's Voting Page and upload the ballot file from the ranked choice vote result page. JL's ranked choice module is licensed under an alternate free software license.
Green Party of the United States