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 National Committee Voting


Proposal Details

Proposal ID1033
ProposalBudget Amendment
PresenterSteering Committee
Floor ManagerKristin Combs
Discussion02/08/2021 - 02/21/2021
Voting02/22/2021 - 02/28/2021
Presens Quorum32 0.6666
Consens Quorum70 A Majority of Yes and No Votes


In January 2021, the Steering Committee contracted with Triangle Advisers for a combination of social media and candidate support. The contract is for $12,000 over six months. While past practice has meant a certain amount of fluidity with regard to Line 133 "Salary costs," it would not be apparent to anyone unfamiliar with this practice. Therefore, in order to provide greater clarity, $12,000 has been moved out of Line 133 and into two separate lines of $6,000 each representing the types of work envisioned by this contract. Note, the Daous have agreed to a one month delay on the commencement of paid work while this proposal is conducted.


Add $6000 to line 55, renamed "Candidate Support - Independent Contractor," bringing the total to $6,000.

Add $6000 to line 64, renamed "Social Media - Independent Contractor," bringing the total to $6,000.

Reduce by $12,000 line 133, "Salary costs left blank above."

Reduce line 134 by $1440. This is equivalent to the 12% of Payroll taxes on the $12,000 that is no longer in the Salary line.

Add $1440 to line 130, "miscellaneous," bringing the total to $1940 to ensure the same total expenditures with the previously passed budget. This is equivalent to the 12% of Payroll taxes on the $12,000 that is no longer in the Salary line (see above).


The 2021 budget will be amended immediately upon passage. The budget amendment is cost neutral.

Hillary Kane


Draft 2021 Amendment:

Current 2021 Budget:

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Green Party of the United States