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 National Committee Voting


Proposal Details

Proposal ID1068
ProposalUpdate to Media Committee's Rules Procedures
PresenterMedia Committee
Floor ManagerRegina Stone-Grover
Discussion11/29/2021 - 12/12/2021
Voting12/13/2021 - 12/19/2021
Presens Quorum32 0.6666
Consens Quorum46 0.6666 of Yes and No Votes


Delineate our committee responsibilities in line with our mission statement; add the tasks we have taken on to fulfill that mission; and update to reflect the increased importance of social media in advancing that mission.


Rules and Procedures


1-1 Develop and implement a comprehensive media strategy in consultation with Green Party staff for the Green Party of the United States (GPUS)

1-2 Maximize coverage of the Green Party in national press

1-3 Facilitate state and local Green Party media coordinators and committees in achieving maximum coverage

1-4 Facilitate communication and coordination between national, state, and local media efforts


2-1 Prepare and issue press releases on behalf of the Green Party of the United States (GPUS)

2-2 Interview and video broadcast on the GPUS livestream, GPUS recognized candidates and candidates seeking the GPUS presidential nomination on a one time basis

2-3 Establish official GPUS social media accounts to promote, publicize and provide an objective source of information about:

2-3.1 Green Party successes and achievements, leadership, platform, and positions on issues and legislation; and

2-3.2 Green candidates and officeholders, state Green parties, and the successes and achievements of state and local Green Party rank and file members.


3-1 Members

3-1.1 Each affiliated state Green Party and Caucus may appoint up to three voting members from among its members to the Media Committee.

3-1.2 The committee will determine who are active committee members by calling for quorum every 90 days

3-2 Co-Chairs

3-2.1 The Committee shall elect two Co-chairs, preferably reflecting gender balance, for staggered two-year terms. Co-candidates may self-nominate or be nominated by other Committee members. All elections shall be conducted by ranked-choice voting, including a ‘no other candidate’ option. Mid-term vacancies shall cause a vote for a replacement Co-Chair.

3-2.2 The Co-chairs in consultation with Green Party staff act as Media Coordinators for the Green Party of the United States

3-3 Secretary

3-3.1 The Committee shall appoint a Secretary who will be responsible for recording minutes of meetings, updating the membership list, and sending out meeting announcements in collaboration with the Co-Chairs.

3-4 Advisors

3-4.1 Committee Advisors are approved by the Co-chairs on the basis of their potential to contribute to the effectiveness of the committee work and will be reviewed as needed. They are not official voting members of the committee.

3-5 The Committee may create working groups and subcommittees to accomplish its Mission and its Duties and Responsibilities. Currently, the groups are:
Marketing Team will coordinate all promotions on social media, emails, and text banking
Writer’s Team will be on top of current events to quickly disseminate statements and press releases in line with the Green Party platform and national committee proposals
Training Team will coordinate Media specific online trainings for state party Media Coordinators, Green Party candidates, and any other Greens
Other groups may be added as needed

3-6 Email list

3-6.1 The Committee shall maintain an email list for all Committee business, to include all Committee members, advisors and observers.

3-7 Meetings

3-7.1 The committee holds monthly conference calls to organize its work. Notice of committee conference calls shall be sent out to the email list at least a week in advance and a reminder sent out the day before the call.

3-8 Decision-Making

3-8.1 During conference calls and face-to-face meetings, the committee shall seek consensus and, when necessary, vote using a 2/3 majority of participants to pass a proposal.


Committee officers and members will implement the tasks.


Diana C. Brown

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Green Party of the United States