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Proposal Details

Proposal ID1090
Proposal2022 Platform Amendment: Chapter I, Section D, 2 Road to Peace in the Middle East
PresenterPlatform Committee Sponsor: International Committee
Floor ManagerAhmed Eltouny
Discussion07/18/2022 - 08/14/2022
Voting08/15/2022 - 08/21/2022
Presens Quorum32 0.6666
Consens Quorum61 0.6666 of Yes and No Votes


Anti-imperialists "are opposed to colonialism, colonial empires, hegemony, imperialism and the territorial expansion of a country beyond its established borders." "The people of many countries unite in opposition to US imperialism, economic warfare and threats of militarism. It is our job in the United States to act in solidarity with them and say 'no' to US imperialism," write Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers in "The Foundation For International Justice Is Anti-Imperialism" on June 10, 2018. They remind Greens that, "if we ground ourselves in anti-imperialism, we will not be as easily misled. We must respect the sovereignty of other nations and support popular struggles without promoting US intervention."

Reviewing the Israel-Palestine Conflict section of the GPUS Foreign Policy plank of the GPUS Platform, the International Committee is addressing the need to remove imperialistic language and intent to align with our stated policies and values. Taking into account the ongoing, expansive and destructive nature of settler colonialism and systemic apartheid, we recognize the need of decolonizing our foreign policy platform.


Amend Chapter I, Democracy, Section A, Political Reform, Subsection 2 A Real Road to Peace in the Middle East, unnumbered subsubsection titled "The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict" to read:

Our Green values oblige us to stand against oppression, against settler colonialism and against the International crime of apartheid.

We recognize that Jewish insecurity and fear of non-Jews is understandable in light of the history of horrific oppression and extermination of Jews in Europe. However, we oppose as both discriminatory and ultimately self-defeating the position that Jews would be fundamentally threatened by the implementation of full rights for Palestinians. We also reject the Zionist concept of an exclusive Jewish homeland at the expence of the indigenous Palestinian population.

As U.S. Greens, we refuse to impose our views on the people of the region. Still, we would turn the U.S. government towards a new policy, one that recognizes the equality, the inherent humanity, and the equal civil and human rights of Jews, Muslims, Christians, and all who live in the region.

We recognize that the prevailing Palestinian view is that the two-state solution is neither democratic nor viable in the face of international law, material conditions and “facts on the ground” that now exist in historic Palestine. We recognize that a growing number of Palestinians now supports a one-state solution which guarantees equal rights for all its citizens. Given these realities the U.S. Greens recognize and reaffirm the right of self-determination for both Palestinians and Israelis, and their right to live in a single undivided secular and democratic state where all residents have full and equal rights, and freedoms.

We reaffirm the right and feasibility of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes in Israel. We acknowledge the significant challenges of equity and restitution this policy would encounter and call on the U.S. government to make resolution of these challenges a central goal of our diplomacy in the region.

We reject the grossly unbalanced financial and military support of Israel by the U.S. while Israel occupies Palestinian lands, maintains and grows settler colonialism, expands an illegal apartheid system, and perpetuates violent military governance against non-Jews throughout the region. Therefore, we call on the U.S. President and Congress to suspend all military and foreign aid, including loans and grants, to Israel until Israel withdraws from the Occupied Territories, dismantles the separation wall in the Occupied West Bank including East Jerusalem, ends its siege of Gaza and dismantles settler colonies and systemic apartheid toward its non-Jewish citizens.

We also reject U.S. political support for Israel and demand that the U.S. government end its veto of Security Council resolutions pertaining to Israel. We urge our government to join with the U.N. to secure Israel’s complete withdrawal to, at least, the 1967 boundaries and comply fully with international law..

We support a much stronger and supportive U.S. position with respect to all United Nations, Arab League and Palestinian-led initiatives, the Office the High Commission on Human rights (OHCHR) and UN Special Rapporteur advisories that seek a just end to Israeli settler colonialism and apartheid safeguarding human rights defenders and the human rights of all Palestinians.

We call on the foreign and military affairs committees of the U.S. House and Senate to conduct full hearings on the status of human rights and war crimes by Israel as well as right of return for Palestinian refugees.

Despite decades of continuous diplomatic attempts by the international community, all efforts to bring about Israel’s compliance with international law or respect for basic Palestinian human rights have failed. Despite abundant condemnation of Israel’s policies by the UN, International Court of Justice, all relevant international conventions, and human rights organizations, Israeli violations, crimes of apartheid and ethnic cleansing against Palestinians continue with impunity.

We recall that ending institutionalized racism (apartheid) in South Africa demanded an unusual, cooperative action by the entire international community in the form of a boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign. BDS can become an effective nonviolent means for achieving justice and genuine peace between Palestinians and Israelis, and for the region, through concerted international pressure similar to that which was applied to apartheid South Africa.

Palestinian resistance to ongoing dispossession has mainly been nonviolent, including its most basic form—remaining in their homes, on their land; and while Palestinian armed resistance is legitimate under international law when directed at non-civilian targets, we believe that only nonviolent resistance will maintain the humanity of Palestinian society, elicit the greatest solidarity from others, and maximize the chance for future reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians. However, we also recognize that our appeal to Palestinians to continue to resist nonviolently in the face of ongoing existential threats from Israel is hypocritical unless accompanied by substantial acts of international support.

We recall that in 2005, Palestinian Civil Society appealed to the international community to support a BDS campaign against Israel, and that in response the Green Party of the US endorsed this BDS campaign in 2005. Therefore, we support the implementation of boycott and divestment initiatives against Israel similar to those applied to South Africa in the apartheid era, which includes pressuring our government to impose targeted embargoes and sanctions against Israel. We support maintaining these nonviolent punitive measures until Israel meets its obligation to recognize the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination and fully complies with the precepts of international law by:

Ending its occupation and colonization of all Palestinian lands and dismantling the Wall in the West Bank

Recognizing the fundamental rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinians to full equality; and

Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.

In addition, we are committed to building solidarity among the U.S. population for the global BDS movement as well as with Palestinian, Israeli and international human rights organizations which fight against Israeli Apartheid.

We recognize the structures and systems put in place for a just and peaceful future are for the people to decide without the scale tipping towards the colonizers who hold drastically greater power.

Should the United Nations and International Civil Society conduct Palestinian-led peace negotiations, we recognize the usefulness of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission whose inaugurating action could be mutual acknowledgement by Israelis and Palestinians that they have the same basic inherent rights, including the right to exist and flourish in the same, safe and secure place of a homeland.


Approval of this proposal will amend the 2020 GPUS Platform.


Lizzie Adams,
David Schwartzman,
Justine McCabe,


See list of references at:

Current language:

The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

Our Green values oblige us to support popular movements for peace and demilitarization in Israel-Palestine, especially those that reach across the lines of conflict to engage both Palestinians and Israelis of good will.

  We reaffirm the right of self-determination for both Palestinians and Israelis, which precludes the self-determination of one at the expense of the other. We recognize the historical and contemporary cultural diversity of Israeli-Palestinian society, including the religious heritage of Jews, Christians, Muslims and others. This is a significant part of the rich cultural legacy of all these peoples and it must be respected. To ensure this, we support equality before international law rather than appeals to religious faith as the fair basis on which claims to the land of Palestine-Israel are resolved.

  We recognize that Jewish insecurity and fear of non-Jews is understandable in light of Jewish history of horrific oppression in Europe. However, we oppose as both discriminatory and ultimately self-defeating the position that Jews would be fundamentally threatened by the implementation of full rights to Palestinian-Israelis and Palestinian refugees who wish to return to their homes. As U.S. Greens, we refuse to impose our views on the people of the region. Still, we would turn the U.S. government towards a new policy, which itself recognizes the equality, humanity, and civil rights of Jews, Muslims, Christians, and all others who live in the region, and which seeks to build confidence in prospects for secular democracy.

  We reaffirm the right and feasibility of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes in Israel. We acknowledge the significant challenges of equity and restitution this policy would encounter and call on the U.S. government to make resolution of these challenges a central goal of our diplomacy in the region.

  We reject U.S. unbalanced financial and military support of Israel while Israel occupies Palestinian lands and maintains an apartheid-like system in both the Occupied Palestinian Territories and in Israel toward its non-Jewish citizens. Therefore, we call on the U.S. President and Congress to suspend all military and foreign aid, including loans and grants, to Israel until Israel withdraws from the Occupied Territories, dismantles the separation wall in the Occupied West Bank including East Jerusalem, ends its siege of Gaza and its apartheid-like system both within the Occupied Palestinian Territories and in Israel toward its non-Jewish citizens.

  We also reject U.S. political support for Israel and demand that the U.S. government end its veto of Security Council resolutions pertaining to Israel. We urge our government to join with the U.N. to secure Israel's complete withdrawal to the 1967 boundaries and its compliance with international law.

  We support a much stronger and supportive U.S. position with respect to all United Nations, European Union, and Arab League initiatives that seek a negotiated peace. We call for an immediate U.N.-sponsored, multinational peacekeeping and protection force in the Palestinian territories with the mandate to initiate a conflict-resolution commission.

  We call on the foreign and military affairs committees of the U.S. House and Senate to conduct full hearings on the status of human rights and war crimes in Palestine-Israel, especially violations committed during Israel's 2008-2009 invasion of Gaza ("Operation Cast Lead") as documented in the 2009 "UN Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict"("The Goldstone Report") authorized by the UN Commission on Human Rights.

  We recognize that despite decades of continuous diplomatic attempts by the international community, it has failed to bring about Israel's compliance with international law or respect for basic Palestinian human rights; and that, despite abundant condemnation of Israel's policies by the UN, International Court of Justice, and all relevant international conventions, the international community of nations has failed to stop Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights in Israel and the OPT, while Israeli crimes continue with impunity. We recall that ending institutionalized racism (apartheid) in South Africa demanded an unusual, cooperative action by the entire international community in the form of a boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign against apartheid South Africa, and that BDS can become the most effective nonviolent means for achieving justice and genuine peace between Palestinians and Israelis, and for the region, through concerted international pressure as applied to apartheid South Africa; and that Palestinian resistance to ongoing dispossession has mainly been nonviolent, including its most basic form—remaining in their homes, on their land; and that while Palestinian armed resistance is legitimate under international law when directed at non-civilian targets, we believe that only nonviolent resistance will maintain the humanity of Palestinian society, elicit the greatest solidarity from others, and maximize the chance for future reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians. However, we also recognize that our appeal to Palestinians to continue to resist nonviolently in the face of ongoing existential threats from Israel is hypocritical unless accompanied by substantial acts of international support. We recall that in 2005, Palestinian Civil Society appealed to the international community to support a BDS campaign against Israel, and that in response the Green Party of the US endorsed this BDS campaign in 2005. Therefore, we support the implementation of boycott and divestment initiatives against Israel similar to those applied to South Africa in the apartheid era, which includes pressuring our government to impose embargoes and sanctions against Israel; and we support maintaining these nonviolent punitive measures until Israel meets its obligation to recognize the Palestinian people's inalienable right to self-determination and fully complies with the precepts of international law by
  Ending its occupation and colonization of all Palestinian lands and dismantling the Wall in the West Bank
  Recognizing the fundamental rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
  Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.
  We recognize that international opinion has been committed to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Yet, we view the two-state solution as neither democratic nor viable in the face of international law, material conditions and "facts on the ground" that now exist in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Given this reality, we support a U.S. foreign policy that promotes the creation of one secular, democratic state for Palestinians and Israelis on the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the River Jordan as the national home of both peoples, with Jerusalem as its capital. We encourage a new U.S. diplomatic initiative to begin the long process of negotiation, laying the groundwork for such a single-state constitution.

  We recognize that such a state might take many forms and that the eventual model chosen must be decided by the peoples themselves. We also acknowledge the enormous hostilities that now exist between the two peoples, but history tells us that these are not insurmountable among people genuinely seeking peace.

  As an integral part of peace negotiations and the transition to peaceful democracy, we call for the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission whose inaugurating action would be mutual acknowledgement by Israelis and Palestinians that they have the same basic rights, including the right to exist in the same, secure place.

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Green Party of the United States