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Proposal Details

Proposal ID111
ProposalCC Statement calling on Nader to respect the independence of the Green Party
PresenterGreen Party of Delaware, South Carolina Green Party, and Wisconsin Green Party
Floor ManagerGreg Gerritt
Discussion09/20/2004 - 10/03/2004
Voting10/04/2004 - 10/10/2004
Presens Quorum30 0.6666
Consens Quorum48 A Majority of Yes and No Votes


This is a position statement of the Green Partys national Coordinating
Committee (CC). This statement is to be released to the public and the
press after passage by the CC.


This past June, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the Green Party of the United
States held a presidential nominating convention that was the culmination
of a seven month long democratic process involving Greens across the
country. The national Coordinating Committee of the Green Party is proud
of the success of the Milwaukee process, and of the extraordinary efforts
that Greens have made both to grapple with the extremely restrictive
electoral laws that exist in most states, and to meet our own high
standards for grassroots democracy. We are equally as proud and supportive
of the Green Partys nominees for President and Vice-President, David Cobb
and Patricia LaMarche.

Ralph Nader and his running mate, Peter Camejo, did not seek the Green
Party nomination. By their own choice, they are running an independent
campaign, and have accepted the nomination of the Reform Party, as well as
other independent and third party ballot lines. The Green Party is
concerned that some supporters and staffers of the Nader/Camejo campaign
have been involved in attempting to remove our candidates, David Cobb and
Pat LaMarche, from ballot lines, and have attempted to replace them with
the Nader/Camejo ticket. As a result of these actions, no candidate for
President will appear on the Green ballot line in Vermont or Utah.

Since Ralph Nader has, on many occasions, expressed respect and support for
the independence of the Green Party; and

Since, in his recent court case in Michigan, Ralph Nader has argued that a
national political party has a right to place its national candidate on the
ballot, even over the objections of its state affiliates;

We therefore call on Ralph Nader and Peter Camejo to publicly support the
right of the Green Party of the United States to place the Cobb/LaMarche
ticket on state Green Party ballots wherever that is legally possible, to
condemn efforts to prevent the placing of the Cobb/LaMarche ticket on the
ballot in states where there is a Green Party ballot, and to respect the
independence of the Green Party by respecting the fact that David Cobb and
Pat LaMarche are our presidential and vice-presidential candidates.

The Democratic Party has engaged in a vicious and petty campaign against
the Nader/Camejo ticket. In confronting the attacks on the Green
presidential ticket, Ralph Nader and Peter Camejo have the opportunity to
show that they adhere to a higher standard. While there remain differences
of opinion within the Green Party regarding the partys choice of
presidential candidates, the majority has spoken, and the decision has been
made. It is long past time for those who challenge the political
establishment to find ways to work together despite our differences.





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Green Party of the United States