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Proposal Details

Proposal ID1195
ProposalAmendment to 2024 Budget to Fund Contract Media Director for 2024 PNC and Eletction Period
PresenterSteering Committee
Floor ManagerMargaret Elisabeth
Discussion05/06/2024 - 05/19/2024
Voting05/20/2024 - 05/26/2024
Presens Quorum31 0.6666
Consens Quorum35 A Majority of Yes and No Votes


The purpose of the Contract Media Director is to manage the increased workload in a convention year. Up through 2016 we had a staff media director who managed this workload. In 2020 our staff communications manager was pulled from media tasks to assist with the logistics of our first-ever virtual convention. The job description below for the contract position was created from the tasks that our media director did in the previous convention years.

The Contract Media Director Job Description (approved by the Media Committee on April 10, 2024. The job description under “References” was approved at oa committee meeting on March 13, 2024.


Amend the budget to add $18,000 for a Contract Media Director position to the $2,000 that is in the current budget for the Media Committee under the heading “Committee and Caucus Expenses” for a total of $20,000.




Total is 400 hours x 45.00 per hour = $18000 – monthly breakout is below


June – 60 (15 hours per week) = $2700

July – 60 (15 hours per week) = $2700

August – 100 (25 hours per week – convention is August 16-18) = $4500

September – 60 (15 hours per week) = $2700

October – 60 (15 hours per week) = $2700

November – 60 (15 hours per week) = $2700


Draft and send press releases

1) Announcement of convention venue – late March, early April

2) Initial press advisory with preliminary schedule of events – late May, early June

3) Candidates to watch press releases for federal, state and local office – October – to be drafted with input from Coordinated Campaign Committee

4) Press advisory with press conference line-up and final schedule of events – week before convention

Update Green Party fact sheet for reporters

Coordinate with convention coordinator and tech team

Work with Steering Committee, Annual National Meeting Committee and candidates to devise a strategy and focus for maximum coverage

Check in with Presidential Campaign Support Committee for current information on candidate status

Create a list of common questions and answers with positive framing

Create a list of reporters and outlets who request credentials and contact in advance – track on spreadsheet for follow-up

Make advance calls to relevant media

Coordinate with Steering Committee members to address requests for quotes and interviews with party spokespeople

Create a list of media committee members who will be able to volunteer for media functions with their contact info

Devise strategy for social media promotion using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media accounts

Work with other committees such as the Coordinated Campaign Committee and Ballot Access Committee to promote their initiatives during the convention

Develop a media schedule of events

Put together a list of party officials and candidates who will be attending

Set up press conference line-up

1) Introductory press conference on Thursday late afternoon features meeting hosts and party officials

2) One or two press conferences on Friday morning may feature state and local candidates, congressional candidates, or officeholders, depending on who is attending

3) Press conference after the nomination on Saturday late afternoon features the winning candidate

Recruit press conference hosts

Create an online press packet with fact sheet, schedule of media events, and latest press releases


Coordinate with convention coordinator and tech team communicate throughout event

Social media promotion using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media accounts

Screen media for press conferences

Host press conferences during the event – candidates not included in the line-up may be recognized

Follow up with reporter requests for information and interviews during the event

Follow up with reporters by email and phone and connect them with party officials and candidates as necessary – track on spreadsheet for follow-


Draft and send press release with convention highlights

Follow up with reporters – track on spreadsheet for follow-up

Direct reporter inquiries for interviews with the winning candidate to the candidate’s campaign team

Social media promotion using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media accounts




CONTACT - GPUS Steering Committee

GPUS Fiscal Policy - 6-4 - Budget Amendments

6-4.1 At any time during the Fiscal year, budget amendments may be proposed to the NC by the SC.

6-4.2 The Finance Committee xamay recommend budget amendments to the SC as it deems necessary as per 3-2.3. Although it remains primarily the responsibility of the Finance Committee to do so, state parties and caucuses may also make such recommendations to the SC, and committees may do so concerning budget allocations related to their specific missions.”


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Green Party of the United States