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 National Committee Voting


Proposal Details

Proposal ID1196
ProposalCorrected-Amended Delegate Apportionment for the 2024 Presidential Nominating Convention
PresenterApportionment Tabulation Committee
Floor ManagerMargaret Elisabeth
Discussion05/06/2024 - 05/19/2024
Voting05/20/2024 - 05/26/2024
Presens Quorum31 0.6666
Consens Quorum36 A Majority of Yes and No Votes


In August 2023, the Apportionment Tabulation Committee (ATC) was assembled by the Steering Committee of the Green Party of the United States and given the task of performing the tabulation for allocation of Delegates to both the National Committee and the Presidential Nominating Convention. The ATC has completed each tabulation in accordance with the 1) Rules and Procedures of the Green Party of the Unites States: Article VIII. Allocation of Delegates to the National Committee, and 2) Rules of the Presidential Nomination Convention of the Green Party of the United States: Article III. Apportionment of Delegates.

The tabulation and apportionment of National Committee Delegates is for each active and affiliated State Green Party and US Territory. GPUS Caucuses are permitted two Delegates by rule and are not included in the apportionment of the National Committee Delegation. If approved, the apportionment of National Committee Delegates becomes effective in 60 days.

The tabulation and apportionment of the Presidential Nominating Convention Delegates is for each State, US Territory, and GPUS Caucus (whether active or not). US Territories are permitted two Delegates and GPUS Caucuses are permitted four Delegates by rule and are not included in the apportionment of the Presidential Nominating Convention. If approved, the apportionment of Delegates will be effective for the 2024 Presidential Nominating Convention.

During the tabulation the ATC summarized additional detail on their interpretation of the apportionment rules and findings of inconsistent or difficult direction in the apportionment rules. This summary is provided in the references for consideration of the apportionment results and for use by a future ATC and/or Apportionment Review Committee (ARC).

An error in the presentation of the delegate calculation results for the Presidential Nominating Convention was recently brought to the attention of the ATC by Delegate Steve Newman (FL). After review of the proposal and the formula it was determined that ATC had incorrectly used a draft file for the proposal text (proposal 1165). It is noted that the correct final formula (excel file) and summary files included as attachments in proposal 1165 did contain the correctly apportioned delegate numbers. This error impacted the apportioned PNC delegates the correct numbers are listed in this proposal. In addition, it was found that the territories listed in the apportionment files incorrectly listed the Northern Mariana Islands instead of American Samoa (see PNC rule 2.1.2 for list of territories). Corrections to the formula excel and summary table for these two errors are included in the linked documents in the References..


The ATC hereby submits its report of the tabulation and apportionment of National Committee Delegates and the Presidential Nominating Convention Delegates as follows:
State or Territory National Committee Presidential Nominating Convention

California  24  56
Maine  13 31
Michigan 10 24
Illinois 8 19
Texas 8 18
New York 6 13
Pennsylvania 5 13
Oregon 4 11
Connecticut 4 9
Florida 4 8
South Carolina 3 8
Massachusetts 3 8
New Jersey 2 6
Ohio 2 6
Missouri 2 6
North Carolina 2 5
Virginia 2 5
Maryland 2 5
Colorado 2 5
District of Columbia 2 4
Minnesota 2 4
Washington 2 4
Wisconsin 2 4
Arizona 2 4
Alabama 2 4
Delaware 2 4
Hawaii 2 4
Indiana 2 4
Iowa 2 4
Kansas 2 4
Kentucky 2 4
Louisiana 2 4
Mississippi 2 4
Montana 2 4
Nebraska 2 4
Nevada 2 4
New Mexico 2 4
South Dakota 2 4
Tennessee 2 4
Utah 2 4
West Virginia 2 4
Alaska 0 4
Arkansas 0 4
Georgia 0 4
Idaho 0 4
New Hampshire 0 4
North Dakota 0 4
Oklahoma 0 4
Rhode Island 0 4
Vermont 0 4
Wyoming 0 4
Guam 0 4
American Samoa 0 4
Puerto Rico 0 4
United States Virgin Islands 0 4

Total – States, Territories & DC 150 400

Total – Caucuses 10 20
Total – All Delegation 160 420


2023 Apportionment Tabulaton Documents -

ATC Results Summary Table for National Committee Apportionment year 2023 and Presidential Nominating Convention year 2024: -

Apportionment spreadsheet: Click on NatComm Delegate Apportionment Formula 2023 -

2023 ATC Rules Interpretation and Findings: -

Apportionment Tabulation Committee:
Rules and Procedures of the Green Party of the Unites States: Article VIII. Allocation of Delegates to the National Committee -

Rules of the Presidential Nomination Convention of the Green Party of the United States: Article III. Apportionment of Delegates -


CONTACT: Timothy Runkle, ATC chair, at

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To independently verify a ranked choice vote, or for information about how that works, go to Jonathan Lundell's Voting Page and upload the ballot file from the ranked choice vote result page. JL's ranked choice module is licensed under an alternate free software license.
Green Party of the United States