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 National Committee Voting


Proposal Details

Proposal ID1209
Proposal2024 ANMPNC Date Change Housekeeping July
PresenterMargaret Elisabeth - GPUS Steering Committee
Floor ManagerTamar Yager
Discussion06/10/2024 - 06/23/2024
Voting06/24/2024 - 07/01/2024
Presens Quorum30 0.6666
Consens Quorum44 0.6666 of Yes and No Votes


Our Rules and Procedures have several sections which have hard dates related to our PNC, one of which is July 9th, addressed in this proposal. Since the PNC was moved one month later to begin August 17th 10th, this change will preserve the original time frames for decision making. These changes, if approved, will revert to the original dates at the conclusion of the 2024 PNC/ANM.



3-1.2 The Presidential Nominating Convention shall additionally consist of a number of alternate delegates, where the number of alternates allocated to each state, territory, or accredited caucus shall be equal to the number of delegates so allocated. A credentialed alternate may replace a credentialed delegate on a person-for-person basis as long as their state party or caucus reports to the Credentials Committee at who the alternate is and for whom they will be substituting no later than noon Eastern Time on Thursday, July 9
5-8.2(b) Discussion on the proposed Platform shall be limited to one hour. No delegate may address the Convention for longer than two minutes on any provision of the draft Platform. To address the convention, a delegate is required to register, with their name, delegation, draft Platform provision to be addressed, and their position on such provision with the Convention facilitation team not later than noon Eastern Time on Thursday, July 9. A delegate may make a motion to strike a provision from the platform if they have also presented signatures of at least 10 percent of convention delegates in support of that motion at the time they register to speak by noon Eastern Time Thursday, July 9. The responsibility for creating and conducting the registration-to-speak and the motion-to-strike-a-provision-from-the-platform capability shall be delegated to the Credentials Committee, Annual National Meeting Committee and GPUS staff and contractors. The vote on a motion to strike a proposed amendment shall require a 2/3 threshold. Removal is limited to provisions amended in the current cycle. No new provisions may be introduced from the floor. The responsibility to create a process for delegates to be able to contact each other electronically to seek petition signatures to initiate this petition process shall be delegated to the Credentials Committee, with technical support from GPUS staff and contractors.
5-9.2 Any candidate seeking the Presidential Nomination of the Convention who wishes to address the convention who does not have at least one delegate pledged to vote for them from each of three states, may alternatively submit a petition signed by a number of credentialed Delegates equal to at least 3% of the total credentialed Delegates, and coming from at least 7 states, declaring each signers' intention to vote for the candidate named in the petition in the first round of voting. The responsibility for creating and conducting the electronic petition signing capability shall be delegated to the Credentials Committee, Annual National Meeting Committee and GPUS staff and contractors. Such petitions must be submitted to the Election Administrator by noon Eastern Time on Thursday, July 9; and Delegate signatures that appear on more than one petition will be disqualified on the petition of said delegate's choice. The responsibility to create a process for delegates to be able to contact each other electronically to seek petition signatures to initiate this petition process shall be delegated to the Credentials Committee, with technical support from GPUS staff and contractors.
5-9.6 A caucus of the delegates who favor the no nominee position will choose the No Nominee speaker and report the name to the Election Administrator by noon Eastern Time on Thursday, July 9.
5-11.2 To be eligible for consideration for the Vice Presidential nomination, a candidate must declare in writing to the Election Administrator their intention to accept the nomination if offered and to cooperate with each member state Green Party of the Green Party of the United States to have their name placed on each ballot line to which a member State Party may be eligible, and must do so by noon Eastern Time on July 9. (One time basis)

(Proposed Changes)

3-1.2 The Presidential Nominating Convention shall additionally consist of a number of alternate delegates, where the number of alternates allocated to each state, territory, or accredited caucus shall be equal to the number of delegates so allocated. A credentialed alternate may replace a credentialed delegate on a person-for-person basis as long as their state party or caucus reports to the Credentials Committee at who the alternate is and for whom they will be substituting no later than noon Eastern Time on August 9th.
5-8.2(b) Discussion on the proposed Platform shall be limited to one hour. No delegate may address the Convention for longer than two minutes on any provision of the draft Platform. To address the convention, a delegate is required to register, with their name, delegation, draft Platform provision to be addressed, and their position on such provision with the Convention facilitation team not later than noon Eastern Time on August 9th. A delegate may make a motion to strike a provision from the platform if they have also presented signatures of at least 10 percent of convention delegates in support of that motion at the time they register to speak by noon Eastern Time August 9th. The responsibility for creating and conducting the registration-to-speak and the motion-to-strike-a-provision-from-the-platform capability shall be delegated to the Credentials Committee, Annual National Meeting Committee and GPUS staff and contractors. The vote on a motion to strike a proposed amendment shall require a 2/3 threshold. Removal is limited to provisions amended in the current cycle. No new provisions may be introduced from the floor. The responsibility to create a process for delegates to be able to contact each other electronically to seek petition signatures to initiate this petition process shall be delegated to the Credentials Committee, with technical support from GPUS staff and contractors.
5-9.2 Any candidate seeking the Presidential Nomination of the Convention who wishes to address the convention who does not have at least one delegate pledged to vote for them from each of three states, may alternatively submit a petition signed by a number of credentialed Delegates equal to at least 3% of the total credentialed Delegates, and coming from at least 7 states, declaring each signers' intention to vote for the candidate named in the petition in the first round of voting. The responsibility for creating and conducting the electronic petition signing capability shall be delegated to the Credentials Committee, Annual National Meeting Committee and GPUS staff and contractors. Such petitions must be submitted to the Election Administrator by noon Eastern Time on August 9th; and Delegate signatures that appear on more than one petition will be disqualified on the petition of said delegate's choice. The responsibility to create a process for delegates to be able to contact each other electronically to seek petition signatures to initiate this petition process shall be delegated to the Credentials Committee, with technical support from GPUS staff and contractors.
5-9.6 A caucus of the delegates who favor the no nominee position will choose the No Nominee speaker and report the name to the Election Administrator by noon Eastern Time on August 9th.
5-11.2 To be eligible for consideration for the Vice Presidential nomination, a candidate must declare in writing to the Election Administrator their intention to accept the nomination if offered and to cooperate with each member state Green Party of the Green Party of the United States to have their name placed on each ballot line to which a member State Party may be eligible, and must do so by noon Eastern Time on August 9th (One time basis)


Immediate Implementation, no additional resources required.


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To independently verify a ranked choice vote, or for information about how that works, go to Jonathan Lundell's Voting Page and upload the ballot file from the ranked choice vote result page. JL's ranked choice module is licensed under an alternate free software license.
Green Party of the United States