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Proposal Details

Proposal ID1222
ProposalConfirm Cassandra Lems as Credentialing Co-facilitator for 2024 PNC
PresenterSteering Committee
Floor ManagerTamar Yager
Discussion07/08/2024 - 07/21/2024
Voting07/22/2024 - 07/28/2024
Presens Quorum30 0.6666
Consens Quorum34 A Majority of Yes and No Votes


The Steering Committee is nominating two Credentialing Facilitators for the upcoming Presidential Nominating Convention. They are the gender-balanced team of Cassandra Lems (NY) and Orlando Johnson (CA). They will be confirmed in 2 separate proposals.

From the Convention Rules: Section 5-7 Approval of Credentials Committee Report

5-7.1 The first order of business for the Convention shall be, consistent with Article IV, to consider, amend, consider appeals to and adopt the Report of the Credentials Committee.

5-7.2 The decision-making base to adopt the Report of the Credentials Committee shall be those delegations and delegates who have been awarded preliminary credentials under Article IV.

5-7.3 Gender-balanced Co-facilitators shall be nominated by the Steering Committee of the Green Party of the United States to co-facilitate the decision-making process for adopting the Report of the Credentials Committee, and submitted for confirmation by the Green National Committee at least 60 days prior to the Convention. If the Co-facilitators nominated by the Steering Committee are not approved, then the Steering Committee shall continue to submit nominations to the Green National Committee until Co facilitators are approved.


Confirm Cassandra Lems as one of two co-facilitators at the 2024 Presidential Nominating Convention.




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Green Party of the United States