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Proposal Details

Proposal ID1225
ProposalTerm Limit Extension for Steering Committee Co-Chairs
PresenterGreen Party of Texas
Floor ManagerMargaret Elisabeth
Discussion07/15/2024 - 07/29/2024
Voting07/30/2024 - 08/06/2024
Presens Quorum30 0.6666
Consens Quorum62 0.6666 of Yes and No Votes


The GPUS is a small party run by a handful of dedicated volunteers. Institutional knowledge, experience, and dedicated volunteers are precious resources which should not be pushed out via short term limits.

Rather than eliminating term limits, this simple proposal seeks consensus by offering a compromise of extending the term limits for Steering Committee Co-Chairs from two 2-year terms, to three 2-year terms.

By extending the term limit for Co-Chairs, we can preserve institutional knowledge and give more time for newer Co-Chairs to learn from experienced Co-Chairs. But, with elections still held at the end of each two year term, the National Committee would still have the option to vote for a change, if needed.

Note that the Treasurer and Secretary positions do not have term limits, because they require specialized skills and knowledge. Extending the term limits for the Co-Chairs may allow a more experienced team to support the volunteers who hold the critical and difficult roles of Treasurer and Secretary.


Update the Bylaws as follows, inserting “three” where “two” is currently written.

Section 4-4 Term of Office

4-4.1 Co-Chairs

4-4.1(a) The term of office is two years, with a limit of two consecutive terms. For the purposes of defining terms of office, years are defined as the period between regular elections as described in Article VI. Four Co-chairs shall be elected in odd-numbered years and three in even-numbered years.

4-4.1(b) After two consecutive terms, and after at least one additional year, a candidate may serve two consecutive terms. For the purposes of calculating consecutive terms, if in being elected to fill a vacancy under 6-3, a person has served for less than one year, it shall not count as a term under this Section. If they have served for one year or more, it shall count as a term.


Section 4-4 Term of Office

4-4.1 Co-Chairs

4-4.1(a) The term of office is two years, with a limit of three consecutive terms. For the purposes of defining terms of office, years are defined as the period between regular elections as described in Article VI. Four Co-chairs shall be elected in odd-numbered years and three in even-numbered years. Outgoing Co-Chairs are encouraged, but not required, to share their wisdom and experience by sticking around to train and support new leadership.

4-4.1(b) After three consecutive terms, and after at least one additional year, a candidate may serve three consecutive terms. For the purposes of calculating consecutive terms, if in being elected to fill a vacancy under 6-3, a person has served for less than one year, it shall not count as a term under this Section. If they have served for one year or more, it shall count as a term.

4-4.1(b) After three consecutive terms, and after at least one additional year, a candidate may serve three consecutive terms. For the purposes of calculating consecutive terms, if in being elected to fill a vacancy under 6-3, a person has served for less than one year, it shall not count as a term under this Section. If they have served for one year or more, it shall count as a term.

Revised bylaws text with tracked changes:


If this proposal gains support, it would be good to implement it ASAP, before the upcoming Steering Committee Co-Chairs election.

No additional resources required.

Aly Schmidt, Texas delegate,


Background reading on term limits:

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Green Party of the United States