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Proposal Details

Proposal ID456
ProposalPresidential Campaign Support Committee Mission Statement amendment
PresenterPresidential Campaign Support Committee
Floor ManagerMike Feinstein
Discussion05/31/2010 - 06/13/2010
Voting06/14/2010 - 06/20/2010
Presens Quorum31 0.6666
Consens Quorum43 0.6666 of Yes and No Votes


The existing Rules, Policies and Procedures of the Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC) were approved by the National Committee (NC) in September 2007 in the form of Proposal #311 ( In June 2009 the NC passed proposal #393 (, which separated Mission Statements to be approved at 2/3, from the rest of a committee's Rules, Policies and Procedures to be approved at simple majority.

This proposal seeks to amend the PCSC Mission Statement to make two housekeeping changes and one change in policy. The housekeeping changes would be to

- renumber and reformat the text to fit into the article/section format used in the GPUS Convention Rules; and

- tighten up the language in the Mission Statement, so that instead of saying "The PCSC will" eleven different times in the same Mission Statement, say it once at the top

The policy change would be to specifically include a presidential candidate exploratory/outreach process in 1-1.5.


That the existing Mission Statement of the Presidential Campaign Support Committee be replaced with the following text

Article I. Presidential Campaign Support Committee Mission Statement

Section 1-1 Mission

1-1.1 Represent the GPUS in coordinating communication with candidates seeking the GPUS Presidential nomination.

1-1.2 Provide support to state parties for their nomination process.

1-1.3 Represent the GPUS in the coordination of communication with the campaigns of the GPUS presidential and vice-presidential nominee.

1-1.4 Coordinate communication between accredited state parties and caucuses, GPUS committees and the GPUS presidential and vice-presidential nominee to ensure good communication and an effective working relationship between party and candidates.

1-1.5 Prepare and administer an exploratory/outreach plan to potential candidates that provides needed information to potential candidates and solicits meaningful information from them, that is conducted in a manner that portrays the GPUS in a positive and credible light, treats potential candidates fairly and respectfully and builds positive relationships for the Green Party.

1-1.6 During the year preceding the Quadrennial Presidential Nominating Convention, assess and prepare GPUS resources and networks needed to support the nominees, including communications and coordination with the Ballot Access Committee, developing Internet resources, and encouraging volunteer coordinators and support networks in state Green Parties.

1-1.7 As a matter of course, take grassroots input into account, and have as overarching goal the growth of the Green Party.

Section 1-2 Duties and Responsibilities

The Presidential Campaign Support Committee shall have the duty and responsibility to:

1-2.1 Serve as liaison between candidates and the Ballot Access Committee to formulate and implement ballot access strategy;

1-2.2 Create and maintain a list of initial points of contact and election-related laws and bylaws for each state party and caucus, to provide as a resource to the candidates (before the convention) and nominees (after the convention);

1-2.3 Assist state parties in creating and conducting a process that gets grassroots input into determining presidential preference and selecting delegates to the GPUS Presidential Nominating convention;

1-2.4 Coordinate public debates between candidates for the GPUS nomination;

1-2.5 Lead and organize efforts to open the presidential debates to Green candidates and work to raise awareness of the need for open debates.

1-2.6 Lead and serve as liaison between the Annual National Meeting Committee, Media Committee, and candidates seeking the GPUS nomination on coordination of a pre-nomination candidate forum and a post-nomination campaign launch at the Presidential Nominating Convention.

1-2.7 In cooperation with Annual National Meeting Committee, Media Committee and GPUS Webmaster, create and maintain an official pre-Convention web site to provide candidate information, resource links and tracking of the delegate selection process, and a post-convention web site to display the results of the nominating convention as well as links to the presidential candidate's official web site.

1-2.8 Provide coordination for communication between GPUS committees and the candidates (before the convention) and the nominee (after the convention);

1-2.9 Assemble legal resources and advisers on issues of federal election law where appropriate and necessary;

1-2.10 Provide coordination with the Coordinated Campaign Committee regarding cooperation between the nominees and 'down-ticket' candidacies.

1-2.11 Develop and administer a GPUS candidate questionnaire to potential candidates and make available candidate responses to state parties and caucuses through the GPUS web site, National Committee delegates and State Party chairs.


GPUS web page will be updated to reflect changes if approved.


Presidential Campaign Support Committee Mission Statement

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Green Party of the United States