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 National Committee Voting


Proposal Details

Proposal ID644
ProposalPresidential Nominating Convention Size and Delegate Apportionment
PresenterIllinois Green Party
Floor ManagerBudd Dickinson
Discussion02/06/2012 - 02/19/2012
Voting02/20/2012 - 02/26/2012
Presens Quorum31 0.6666
Consens Quorum64 0.6666 of Yes and No Votes


At the present time there is no allocation of delegates to the Presidential Nominating Convention. With state party processes beginning in February, these numbers need to be known soon.

Article III of the Rules of the Presidential Nominating Convention was left vacant in 2008 as a one-time-only apportionment for the 2008 convention has been approved. The intention was that durable language would be introduced that would not include sunset clauses and require the National Committee to perpetually have to consider apportionment proposals.

The proposal at hand is an attempt to resolve this long-standing issue by utilizing the existing method for National Committee apportionment and modifying it to allow for a convention of 400 delegates. This proposal provides for an allocation for states without affiliated parties, which is already allowed under the existing credentialing rules.

It should be emphasized that while delegates to the National Committee represent state parties, delegates to the Presidential Nominating Convention, while they will be selected based on state-level processes, are generally not intended to represent state parties, but instead directly represent blocs of rank-and-file Greens who are supporting a particular presidential candidate. The Presidential Nominating Convention is therefore supposed to be more directly democratic than the National Committee. To that end, while the metrics are the same, the allocation is slightly more proportional to calculated state party strength.

Because the proposal foresees utilizing the regular reapportionment of the National Committee as the time for allocating Presidential Nominating Convention delegates in future years, this proposal also includes the actual numbers as tabulated using the same data recently used for National Committee apportionment.


The Green National Committee hereby:

(1) Replaces the existing Article III of Rules of the Presidential Nominating Convention of the Green Party of the United States with the following new article:


Section 3-1. Size and Apportionment of Presidential Nominating Convention

3-1.1 The Presidential Nominating Convention shall consist of 400 +/- 2 delegates, to be allocated as follows:
a) 4 delegates from each of the states where there is not an accredited state party, or where there is an accredited state party which is considered inactive under GPUS rules;
b) 2 delegates from each of the unincorporated organized United States territories of Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and United States Virgin Islands;
c) 2 delegates selected by and from the ranks of each accredited GPUS caucus;
d) the remaining number of delegates from states with an accredited and active state party, to be allocated based upon the formula delineated in Section 3-2;

3-1.2 The Presidential Nominating Convention shall additionally consist of a number of alternate delegates, where the number of alternates allocated to each state, territory, or accredited caucus shall be equal to the number of delegates so allocated.

Section 3-2. Allocation of Delegates to States with Accredited State Parties

3-2.1 Delegates shall be allocated to states with accredited and active state parties using the same apportionment categories used to determine the allocation of National Committee delegates delineated in Article 8 of the GPUS Rules and Procedures.

3-2.2 The minimum number of delegates to be allocated to every state with an accredited state party shall be four (4) delegates.

3-2.3 The tabulation method to determine the allocation of delegates to the National Committee, as outlined in Article 8, Section 6 of the GPUS Rules and Procedures, shall be used to allocate the number of Presidential Nominating Convention delegates to the various states with accredited and active state parties, except that:
a) the number of delegates to be allocated (D) shall be 400 minus the number of delegates assigned to caucuses, territories, and states without affiliated and active state parties;
b) the minimum percentage threshold shall be {4 / (D)} * 100%.

Section 3-3. Apportionment Tabulation Committee Authorization

3-3.1 Beginning in the year 2015, the Apportionment Tabulation Committee as defined in Article 8 of GPUS Rules and Procedures is authorized and directed to perform the tabulation for allocation of delegates to the Presidential Nominating Convention in the odd years preceding presidential election years, for the presidential election year next succeeding.

3-3.2 The Apportionment Tabulation Committee shall include in its report to the National Committee in such years the results of the Presidential Nominating Convention tabulation, including the delineation of delegate numbers assigned to states without active and accredited state parties, territories, and accredited caucuses.

3-3.3 The National Committee, upon approval of the Apportionment Tabulation Committee report, shall also be approving the final delegate allocation for the succeeding Presidential Nominating Convention.

Section 3-4. Tabulation of Delegate Allocation for 2012 Presidential Nominating Convention

3-4.1 In 2012 only, in lieu of inclusion in a report of the Apportionment Tabulation Committee, the allocation of delegates to the Presidential Nominating Convention shall be approved as part of the same proposal which will adopt this revised Article III.

(2) Approves the following allocation of delegates to the 2012 Presidential Nominating Convention:

Alabama - 4
Alaska - 4
Arizona - 5
Arkansas - 10
California - 65
Colorado - 7
Connecticut - 10
Delaware - 4
District of Columbia - 4
Florida - 8
Georgia - 4
Hawaii - 4
Idaho - 4
Illinois - 31
Indiana - 4
Iowa - 4
Kansas - 4
Kentucky - 4
Louisiana - 4
Maine – 13
Maryland - 6
Massachusetts - 11
Michigan - 16
Minnesota - 7
Mississippi - 4
Missouri - 4
Montana - 4
Nebraska - 4
Nevada - 4
New Hampshire - 4
New Jersey - 5
New Mexico - 4
New York - 16
North Carolina - 4
North Dakota - 4
Ohio - 9
Oklahoma - 4
Oregon - 9
Pennsylvania - 7
Rhode Island - 4
South Carolina - 8
South Dakota - 4
Tennessee - 4
Texas - 12
Utah - 4
Vermont - 4
Virginia - 5
Washington - 4
West Virginia - 4
Wisconsin - 7
Wyoming - 4
Puerto Rico - 2
Guam - 2
Northern Mariana Islands - 2
United States Virgin Islands - 2
Lavender Caucus - 2
Black Caucus - 2
Women's Caucus – 2


Implementation/Timeline/Resources: Rules and Procedures change would
become effective upon passage.


Article 8 of the GPUS Rules and Procedures.
Spreadsheet at

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Green Party of the United States