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Proposal Details

Proposal ID661
Proposal2012 Platform amendment proposal: Immigration - GA
PresenterPlatform Committee Sponsored by GPGA
Floor ManagerTamar Yager
Discussion05/08/2012 - 05/20/2012
Voting05/21/2012 - 05/27/2012
Presens Quorum31 0.6666
Consens Quorum33 0.6666 of Yes and No Votes




That Platform 2010 of the Green Party of the United States, in Chapter IV., related to "Economic Justice and Sustainability", in Section J., related to "Immigration/ Emigration", is amended by appending three new sentences, so that the third unnumbered paragraph reads:

The Green Party stands firmly for social justice for all those living in this country regardless of their immigration status. Above all, policy and law must be humane. Anything less would be inconsistent with our Green Values, and with our nation’s values. We oppose the escalating attacks on our immigrant neighbors from around the world.
The racist intent of statewide legislation and ballot initiatives adopted in California, Arizona, South Carolina, Utah, Georgia and Alabama (while being considered by dozens of other state and local governments) is apparent. The resultant Brown Codes and Juan Crow conditions they create are uncomfortably reminiscent of our still too recent apartheid history (and the ongoing experience of sundown communities across the country).

Section J., is further amended at 1. "Policy Reform" by redesignating paragraphs b. through g., as paragraphs c. through h., respectively, to accommodate a new paragraph b., to read:

b. We urge the negotiation of reciprocal agreements between the United States and other nations so that income withholdings from immigrant workers may be transferred to the appropriate pension, disability and unemployment administrations of the worker's country of origin and credited to the worker's account.

Section J., is further amended at 1. "Policy Reform" by striking paragraph g., which reads:

g. All those who are issued work permits must have the option to come and go from the U.S. as they desire. They must also have the option of remaining in the U.S. and becoming U.S. Citizens.

and inserting in its place, a new paragraph h., to read:

h. All those who are issued work permits must have the option to travel to and from the U.S. as they desire. For those who seek it, we would provide a path to citizenship in this nation of immigrants.

Section J., is further amended at 2. "Interim Measures" by adding a third sentence to paragraph a., so that the resultant paragraph reads:

a. Measures to allow undocumented immigrants to obtain drivers licenses if they can prove their identity and pass the required tests. This will improve road safety and allow the undocumented who are driving in any case to obtain insurance. We will protect the constitutional rights of immigrant workers and their families to the public educational system, to own property, open bank accounts and to enter into binding contracts.

Section J., 2. "Interim Measures" is further amended by striking, in its entirety, paragraph f., which reads:

f. We oppose the provision of current law which allows local police to become agents of the immigration agency. Local policing functions should be totally separate from immigration enforcement.

inserting in its place, the following:

f. We oppose the 287(g) provision of current law, which provide federal funds to local police agencies to enforce our broken and racist immigration policies. Local policing functions should be totally separate from immigration enforcement.


IMPLEMENTATION: Approval of this proposal will amend the 2012 Draft Platform, to be presented for approval at the 2012 Presidential Nominating Convention

CONTACT: Jan Martell, co-chair, 919-682-2472,
Bruce Hinkforth, co-chair, 262-569-1370,
Section editor: Jack Ailey,


2010 Platform:
Proposition 636:

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Green Party of the United States