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 National Committee Voting


Proposal Details

Proposal ID74
ProposalSupermajority Voting
Floor ManagerBen Manski
Discussion02/09/2004 - 03/01/2004
Voting03/01/2004 - 03/08/2004
Presens Quorum28 0.6666
Consens Quorum54 0.6666 of Yes and No Votes



the Arizona Green Party embraces the concept of a super
majority by requiring consensus or failing that a super majority of 80% of those voting;
and whereas;

the green party members have historically criticized
others that embrace a 50% plus 1 majority rule procedure as a winner take all system that leaves losers out of the system unless they embrace the majority etc;
and whereas;

in keeping with principles of consensus and in an
effort to avoid gridlock by a very small minority, this proposal is brought to the party to maintain our integrity in accordance with green principles and principles of inclusively;
and whereas;



ARTICLE V. VOTING RULES of the GPUS bylaws states The Coordinating Committee shall strive for consensus in decision making. If consensus is not possible, general decisions shall be passed by simple majority and rules, by-laws, and platform issues must pass by a two-thirds majority. A quorum shall exist when two-thirds of member states have voted.;

Be it therefore Resolved;

The wording of the second sentence be changed from If consensus is not possible, general decisions shall be passed by simple majority and rules, by-laws, and platform issues must pass by a two-thirds majority. to If consensus is not possible, all decisions shall be passed by a two-thirds majority.

This proposal is a bylaws change. All bylaws changes require a two thirds majority. Therefore this proposal will require a two thirds majority to pass.





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Green Party of the United States