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 National Committee Voting


Proposal Details

Proposal ID768
ProposalStrategic Plan Goal 4: Closer Ties with Movements More Effective Issue Advocacy
PresenterSteering Committee
Floor ManagerKaren Young
Discussion11/25/2014 - 12/14/2014
Voting12/15/2014 - 12/21/2014
Presens Quorum30 0.6666
Consens Quorum29 A Majority of Yes and No Votes


All discussion on this proposal will take place on the forum.


 The purpose of this proposal is for the National Committee to indicate
 that they generally support the Strategic Plan Objectives and Action
 Plan, Goal 4: Create Closer Ties with Movements, More Effective Issue
Advocacy/Policy Development, as detailed below.


 The National Committee passed Proposal 689 regarding development of a
 Strategic Plan on November 25, 2012. The Strategic Plan Working Group
 (SPWG) first convened in January 2013. We gathered input from many
 sources before releasing the draft plan, and gathered further input at
 the Annual National Meeting in Summer 2013.

 The Strategic Plan consists of two parts: the Narrative, which lays
 out an analysis of the party’s current situation, and goals designed
 to grow the party and move it forward; and the Objectives and Action
 Plan. The Objectives and Action Plan lays out specific objectives
 designed to meet each goal, action plans around each objective, how we
 will measure success, and who should do the work.

 The Objectives and Action Plan document for each goal will be
 considered separately, to allow members to fully discuss and consider
 each one.

 Some Action Items would involve bylaws changes. However, specific
 changes are not outlined here, as they would be developed and proposed
 by the relevant committees. Committees, as well as the party in
 general, may also develop budget requests and/or fundraising plans to
 enable implementation.

 Implementation of the Plan will depend on the active involvement and
 commitment of Party leaders and members, both current and future, who
 are inspired to join the work called for in the plan. Possible new
 committees we envision are listed in italics. The Strategic Planning
 Working Group intends to remain active, to help the process along, and
 to evaluate our progress over time. Our Implementation Plan is
 outlined here:

 We call on every member of the National Committee to consider where
 their talents might best be used in this effort, and to join national
 committees to use those talents. NC members should also consider
 whether other Party members in their states might be interested, and
 invite them to join committees. People with leadership, fundraising,
 and project management experience are especially needed.

 We look forward to a more visible and powerful Green Party that will
 come to fruition, through the focused and strategic work guided by the
 Strategic Plan.

 The Strategic Plan is focused on five goals, which are detailed below.

 Increase Membership and Diversity (Approved by NC 7/13/14)
 Run and Elect More Candidates (Approved by NC 10/19/14)
 Create More Positive Awareness of the Party
 Create Closer Ties with Movements, More Effective Issue
 Advocacy/Policy Development
 Change Structures to Better Align with Goals


Goal 4: Create Closer Ties with Movements, More Effective Issue
Advocacy/Policy Development

See document at:


 General timelines and personnel are indicated above.

The Strategic Planning Working Group (SPWG) will continue to work with the Steering Committee and other relevant committees and state leaders to develop and implement the plan. The SPWG will release a preliminary report on the plan’s progress at the end of 2014.


All strategic planning documents are available here:
 usr = StratPlan
 pwd = 2013Gp

 Co-Chairs, Strategic Planning Working Group
 Karen Young –; Starlene Rankin, greenstarlene@gmail.,com; Hillary Kane,

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Green Party of the United States