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Proposal Details

Proposal ID858
ProposalNC confirmation of John Rensenbrink as Delegate to the 2017 Global Green Congress
PresenterInternational Committee
Floor ManagerSanda Everette
Discussion01/17/2017 - 01/29/2017
Voting01/30/2017 - 02/05/2017
Presens Quorum32 0.6666
Consens Quorum32 A Majority of Yes and No Votes


GPUS National Committee (NC) confirmation of GPUS delegate to the Global Green Congress in Liverpool, England, March 30-April 2, 2017, elected by the International Committee (IC), December 2016: John Rensenbrink (ME)


The IC seeks NC confirmation of GPUS delegate John Rensenbrink (ME) to the Global Green Congress in England, elected by the IC, December 2016.


Proposal 575 Approval of Revised Rules, Policies and Procedures of the GPUS International Committee, Pt 1-4

Section 3-1 Delegates and Alternates to the Federacion de Partidos Verdes de las Americas (FPVA), the Global Green Network (GGN), and Global Green Congresses.

3-1.1(a) The Committee shall elect GPUS Delegates to the Federacion de Partidos Verdes de las Americas (FPVA), the Global Green Network (GGN), and the Global Green Congress from within the International Committee. Only Committee Members may be Delegates. An FPVA Delegate may also be a Delegate to the Global Green Coordination (GGC), if elected to that position by the Federation, but may not also be a Delegate to the Global Green Network (GGN). Any Member of the Committee may be nominated and serve as Delegate or Alternate to the Global Green Congress. No member of any committee of the Green Party of the United States, nor of any state Green party or caucus affiliated with GPUS, may claim to be a GPUS-authorized Representative or Observer, in any international meeting or body, absent selection according to either Section 3-1 or 3-2 of these Rules, Policies and Procedures.

3-1.1(b) Notwithstanding provisions of 3-1.1(a), the National Committee retains ultimate and final authority over any and all international Delegates, Alternates, and other Representatives who represent the Party, and may at any time, at its sole discretion, initiate recall and removal proceedings for any such Delegate, Alternate, or Representative. Such proceedings may be conducted without regard to the ordinary election or appointment timetable established in Article III, but shall in all cases adhere to the Party's same due process and procedural guidelines, as established for the recall of Steering Committee members (seeSection 3-3.2 Removal by the National Committee).

Immediate implementation


Hello everyone,

Brief Bio: Like Bahram, I am participating in his "No to Militarisation and War" workshop at the Liverpool meeting next March/April of the Global Greens and the European Greens. Last summer I organized an IC panel for the USGP Annual Meeting in Houston that featured the Secretary of the Global Greens, Keli Yen; I have since been Skyping with her about the Liverpool meeting; I am seeking among other things to help draw Global Greens, European Greens, and U.S. Greens closer together.

For background about myself: Our International Committee got its embryonic start in 1997 at the meeting of the Association of State Green Parties (ASGP) in Topsham, Maine, which I helped host—and where I successfully proposed the start-up of an International Committee. At the Santa Barbara meeting of Greens in 2001, when ASGP morphed into the United States Green Party, the International Committee became a full-fledged Committee of the United States Green Party. I served for several years as its first chair. I have since continued to be active with the International Committee. I attended, as a delegate of the U.S. Green Party, the first and second Global Green Congresses at Canbera, Australia (2001), and Sao Paulo, Brazil (2008). I have self-financed my attendance at these meetings. I look forward to going to Liverpool, to what will be my third (and perhaps last) Global Greens Congress.

Thank you

John Rensenbrink
Maine representative to the USGP International Committee.

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Green Party of the United States