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 National Committee Voting


Proposal Details

Proposal ID901
ProposalAmendment to GPUS RPPs Article IX: NC Listserve Protocols and Policies
PresenterKansas Green Party
Floor ManagerJody Grage
Discussion05/09/2018 - 05/27/2018
Voting05/28/2018 - 06/03/2018
Presens Quorum33 0.6666
Consens Quorum66 0.6666 of Yes and No Votes


Background: Proposal for thoughtful discussion on Votes List: The issue has come up on the Green national votes list concerning the glut of emails. The Kansas Green Party proposes to deal with this issue with the following proposal.

PURPOSE: This proposal is based on the need felt by its sponsors for thoughtful discussion on the merits of proposals rather than multiple knee jerk responses. That is what the decision is about, and it must rise or fall based on whether delegates feel it is more important to have an unlimited right to speak, or see the need for a balance between the need for unlimited expression and the rights of all
delegates to have a more thoughtful limited discussion.

Because the votes list is supposed to be concerned only with issues that have
proposals in process, only posts with the subject line of the title of a given proposal, and relevant to that proposal, or other formal business, are allowed on that list. All other posts go on the discussion list. Posts concerning active proposals, formal business or committee reports are not appropriate on the discussion list.
Each delegate or alternate is allowed two posts per day, per proposal, item of formal business, or committee report on the Votes List. Delegates are expected to read posts over a six to 12 hour or greater period and then respond, rather than giving knee jerk responses to individual posts. One person, from the group sponsoring the proposal, is to be allowed four posts per day, if that is necessary to answer questions concerning the proposal. Sponsors of proposals are to use this number with discretion. Allowance is being made for delegates that do not have regular access to a computer.

This proposal has a three month trial period. At the end of this trial period, the proposal will be resubmitted to the voting queue for a two week discussion period and one week voting period. The timing of this vote will be set so that the result of the vote coincides with the end of the three month trial period. If again approved by a 2/3 vote, the changes made in this proposal shall become part of the listserv protocols of Article IX of the Rules and Procedures of the Green Party of the United States. Discussion of experience with the proposal, and amendments to improve the proposal, will be encouraged during the discussion period of this second vote.


Article IX - GPUS National Committee Listerve Protocols and Policies wording will be changed to achieve the aims above. Only sections of Article IX that are being changed are included.

I. Natlcomvotes List
A. The purpose of the Natlcomvotes list (also known as the Votes or COOlist) is to facilitate communications for the purpose of decision-making and management of the affairs of GPUS. List content shall be limited to messages relating to proposals, formal GPUS business, and committee reports. Forwarded articles, petitions, and general discussion not pertinent to formal business before the GPUS National Committee shall be posted to the Natlcomaffairs list. All posts on the Votes List shall have the form of their subject line; 'Proposal (number)', 'Formal Business (subject) ', or 'Committee Report (committee)', as a reminder of this policy.

Posting Guidelines
A. Signing Posts. All list posts shall be signed at the bottom of every message with the first and last name of the author. Members shall also identify their position and the originating state party, caucus, or committee.
B. Relevance. Only posts with the subject line of Proposal, Formal Business, or Committee Report as specified in IX, I, A are allowed on the Natlcomvotes list. All other posts go on the discussion list. Posts on the discussion list are not appropriate concerning active proposals, formal business or committee reports. Messages relating to parties unrelated to the Green Party or general public issues shall not be sent to either list. Messages of a personal nature are not considered appropriate on any NC lists.
C. Limits on posting. Each delegate or alternate is allowed two posts per day, per proposal, item of formal business, or committee report. Delegates are expected to read posts over a six to 12 hour or greater period and then respond, rather than giving knee jerk responses to individual posts. One person, from the group bringing the proposal or other matter of business is to be allowed four
posts per day, if that is necessary to answer questions concerning that matter of business. This right is to be used with discretion. Those who have limited access to a computer may apply to the forum managers by e-mail to for a modified version of the 2 posts per day per issue. The modification will limit posts to fourteen posts per week per issue. Discretion is to be used in the application of this policy. It is not to be used to allow for knee jerk responses to individual posts. The forum managers will keep a list of people who have applied for this exemption.
D. General Netiquette. In general, when quoting other messages, the person quoted should be properly cited, and extraneous text (including headers, footers, irrelevant messages to the section being responded to when replying to a digest, and the like) should be deleted. Non-substantive one-word replies generally should be sent off-list. Violations of General Netiquette guidelines can result in written informal reminders from the Forum Managers. Repeated off topic posting, over posting and other disregard for the purpose of the lists can be grounds for an official warning.
E. Tone. Insults, name-calling, sexist/sexual, racist, homophobic, or otherwise demeaning or degrading comments will not be tolerated. Personal, one-on-one arguments are inappropriate and should be taken off list for one-on-one communication. Hateful, abusive, and threatening language are prohibited. Attacks of a personal, ad hominem nature are prohibited. Making false and defamatory accusations on the listserve against another list member, a Green delegate, candidate, committee, caucus or the Green Party, that can be clearly and objectively disproved, is prohibited. If such accusations are made unintentionally, a retraction is called for. Failure to retract such allegations can result in an action by the Forum Managers. All lists serve members are strongly encouraged to bear in mind the official nature of the lists and refrain from the use of obscene or otherwise offensive language in keeping with Respect for Diversity.
F. Forwards of Private Messages. Forwarding private messages to either list without the expressed written permission of the original author is prohibited.
G. Forwards of Other Items. Copyrighted material (newspaper articles, website content, etc.) and other items forwarded should be accompanied by, if applicable, a source URL, the name(s) of the author(s), and the originating source (if a publication).
H. Proper Use of Messages. List members retain their personal copyright for their original messages, but through use of these forums grant other members the right to publicly quote portions of their message in any medium, and the right to forward messages in their entirety to others so long as the authors name and web address is cited or linked.
I. Sunset. This proposal has a three month trial period. At the end of this trial period, the proposal will be resubmitted to the voting queue for a two week discussion period and one week voting period. The timing of this vote will be set so that the result of the vote coincides with the end of the three month trial period. If again approved by a 2/3 vote, the changes made in this proposal shall become part of the listserv protocols of Article IX of the Rules and Procedures of the Green Party of the United States. Discussion of experience with the proposal, and amendments to improve the proposal, will be encouraged during the discussion period of this second vote.



RESOURCES: Forum managers will manage compliance. The Forum Managers have been consulted on this proposal.
CONTACTS: Isabella Ticer, 913-369-0497,; Paul Krumm, 785-531-2034,


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Green Party of the United States