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Proposal Details

Proposal ID927
ProposalEndorse the School of the Americas Annual Border Encuentro
PresenterGreen Party Peace Action Committee GPAX
Floor ManagerAnita Rios
Discussion08/06/2018 - 08/19/2018
Voting08/20/2018 - 08/26/2018
Presens Quorum33 0.6666
Consens Quorum43 A Majority of Yes and No Votes


The School of the Americas Watch (SOAW) has been working to close the School of the Americas/Western Hemisphere Institute for Security and Cooperation (WHINSEC) for almost three decades through vigils, protests, speaking out in Washington, D.C. in Congress, and disrupting the system through civil disobedience and nonviolent direct action. For 26 years the SOAW was present at the gates of Ft. Benning, Georgia, and for the past two years has been in Ambos Nogales, Arizona/Sonora, to continue to spotlight the disastrous effects of US intervention at the US/Mexico border.

The move to the borderlands is a response to present-day calls for solidarity with Latin America. The effects of US militarization and intervention, including support for the coup in Honduras and other efforts at “regime change” and attacks on progressive and Bolivarian movements and governments in the region, are intimately linked to the root causes of migration. Recognizing the devastating impact US security, political, and economic policies, and the current Border Imperialism strategies, have on migrants, refugees, indigenous communities, and communities of color across borders, the Green Party of the United States should explicitly support the call to close WHINSEC. Now in its third year, the SOAW Border Encuentro seeks to increase awareness of the militarization and expansion of "border security" throughout Mesoamerica and throughout the world.

The mission of the SOAW aligns with the GPUS platform: 1.p. - Foreign Policy: "Close the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, formerly known as the School of the Americas, in Ft. Benning, Georgia."

The Green Party of the United States along with State Green Parties has a historical presence at the SOAW vigils.



The Green Party of the United States, in alignment with the GPUS platform on Foreign Policy, 1.p., will officially endorse and promote the annual SOAW vigil and add it, where appropriate, to outreach and media materials and website.


IMPLEMENTATION: Immediately upon approval.

Contacts: Deanna Dee Taylor, 801-403-0121,; Rich Whitney, 618-967-0840,


School of the Americas Watch (SOAW):

SOAW Border Encuentros:

Platform of the Green Party of the United States,

Rules and Procedures of the Green Party of the United States,

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Green Party of the United States